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I found myself walking the midnight streets with Liam. Why can We never actually stay at a party? The awkwardness in the room after Liam's confession was enough for me to grab his hand and leave.

" When were you going to tell me?" I stuff my hands in the pockets of his jacket he let me wear because I' was cold. I genuiely wonder if he was ever going to declare his love to me.

It feels sort of weird now. Someone who I care for, cares for me. It's sweet and sour all at the same time, considering everything that happened over the course of the last 3 weeks.

I hope I haven't failed my exams because of all the stress he put me through.

" I dunno" he looks down at his feet as he walks, his hands stuffed in the pockets of his jeans.

" Why am I even wasting my time?" I shake my head.

If this is all that he was going to say, then why did I bother giving him the time of the day.

" I'm sorry". He says in a very hard-to-say tone of voice.

I stop walking. He said it.

" What for?" I put him up for the test . I just want to make sure he knows why I feel hurt.

" I shouldn't have lied to you, hid things from you and accused you of shagging Noel, all that malarkey" he stops infront of me. " And then The whole Kelly thing, I was just off me head a bit". He gives me eye contact and I can tell his apology is genuine.

I can't believe he actually said it. He apologised... he apologised for the right reason.

" Good." I smile at him. " But why would you do that if you say you love me?"

He looks down at the floor and for the first time in ( well actually never) he looks nervous .

" Li just tell me." I sigh.

" Look Sal I do love ya. It's just that" he thinks for a few seconds "you can do better than me, you don't know what it's like to have a bad family and that" he plays with the skin by his finger nails. " I'm fuck all man , I'm shite at school . No good with all this ballocks like you. You're actually going somewhere with ya life. I'd probably be bad for you . " ..

I'm speechless . Is this really what he thinks about himself? I always took Liam for someone who's confident. He could have any girl.

" Liam it's not your fault." I take his hand.

I know he blames himself for his fathers behaviour in some sick twisted way but deep down he knows it's not true.

" What int'?" He looks at me.

" You know what I'm talking about" I look at him with petty.

"No" he states confidently . He bites his nail.

" Liam it's not your fault your dad hated you, Paul, Noel or your mum."

He looks down at the floor.

Liam hates his dad. He often blames himself or Noel, he thinks it's his fault he abused their mam. Thought of himself as a bad child.

" Listen to me" I move in closer to him." My family isn't perfect. You know what my uncle did to me, I darent even tell my parents , I can't upset them or Ally, how fucked up is that? At least your family is honest. I wish I could say the same about mine." I try making him feel better.

He pulls me in to a tight  hug " I know Sal, I just can't bring you down. I Got with Paige to try and get over you but it hasn't work man , It's a bit silly if you ask me, this whole situation . It got a bit out of control, without a doubt." He squeezes me tight and I do the same back.

God how I have missed this. Pure therapy.

I'm glad were talking about this. Everything feels perfect again. Even though Liam hurt me, all that goes away when I'm back in his arms.

" Liam I love you" I finally manage to get my true feelings out " Just the way you are, have been and always will be, you're uniquely amazing." I manage to confess my honest thoughts and feelings.

He looks down at me because he's a fair bit taller and smiles. " You're top notch, I Luv ya" he leans down and kisses me.

This feels nothing like kissing Noel, this is real. This feels good and it feels right. I melt in to the kiss and remember just how much I've missed this.

" Good" I smile up at him.

" Honestly too good for me but I want to make you happy now." One of his arms is still around me but the other hand is stroking my hair out of my face and tugging it behind my ear.

His smile speaks a thousand words. I couldn't imagine falling in love with another smile, another pair of eyes, another face... Another soul.

Liams pov:

She stares up at me, I can read her like a book. She's admiring me. Can't blame her my good looks are a sin. A beautiful sin obviously.

Not like Sal though, her eyes see right through me, that smile of hers or the little twitch her eyebrow does whenever I make her laugh. I love every little thing about her. There truelly is no other for me. I worship the ground that she walks on. As far as I'm concerned it's all about giving her the world from now on.

Authors note:

Only a short part. Sorry. I've been busy x

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