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I went around to Gallaghers house some time later. The sun was really nice at this point and not as hot as in the afternoon.

I saw Peggy outside through the glass door preparing the food and starting off the bbq. I even saw 2 crates of beer next to the garden table.  This could only go one of 2 ways. We either have a good laugh or someone will end up arguing. I decided she would be fine without my help and creaped upstairs to see what Noel and Liam were doing.

" What do you think my kid will look like ?" I heard Liam ask Noel.

The light guitar strumming stopped and I could imagine what Noels face was like. I didn't want to open the door interested in where this conversation was going and how it even started.

" Dunno I ain't ever having one"

"Are you not curious?"

" What?" Noel asked ironically.

" Dunno I think my kid will be a good looking lad if he takes after me"

Excuse me? Slightly rude.

"Lad ?" Noel chuckled.

" Yeah.. unless it's a girl then it better take after Sally. Would prefer her not to take after me. Big eyebrows on a girl would look right silly."

" That would be dreadful "

" shut up you " Liam laughed " if your daughter looks like you she'll be fucked ."

" Stop talking about kids that dont exist. It' ain't ever happening. Kids are little idiots."

I wondered whatever set this conversation off.

Noel started strumming on his guitar again and I decided to walk in. I could already see a few empty cans on their bedroom floor and figured this is why they were talking crap.

" Why the hell are you on about kids for ?" I asked while walking up to Liam.

We pecked.

" Guess who knocked who up?" Liam smirked.

I sat down beside him on his bed.

"Is that even possible ? Noel how did you manage to impregnate my boyfriend?"

They looked at me in disgust. " shut the fuck up " Noel spat out .

" Brandon has only gone and got Holly pregnant" . Both Liam and Noel smirked and burst out in to laughter.

I felt sorry for Holly and Brandon. The only life they know is drugs, parties, break ups and make ups. I hope they stop all of that and move in together . I don't think her mum would be happy. She's quite posh and Brandons parents are definitely not ones to support something like that at this age.

" And that's funny because?"

Their faces dropped and Noel put his guitar aside. " Cause 16 year olds are having kids. They have no clue "

He widened his eyes weirdly and twitched.

I cracked a smile realising he had a polo nose.

" You might wanna wipe that coke off ya nose if you're gonna go downstairs".

I didn't want my mum and dad saying Noel and Liam are a bad influence on me . They are not.

"Fuck." He wiped his nose.

Liam stood up, losing his balance. I looked at his nose and he had just as much of a polo nose as Noel. Is he for fucking real?

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