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The drive to Damon's old house was dreadfully long. The traffic was a pain in the arse and I was glad it wasn't me who had to drive. We had to stop a few times because my bladder is a nightmare. Damon made a threat to leave me at one of the gas stations and I wasn't too happy about that.
"Be careful once we get to where I live. Jack the ripper may come for you"

"He's dead" I rolled my eyes.

"Might be another one about". The thought terrified me but he assured me that it was just an empty threat , which made me feel a little less anxious about taking my time. We stopped for food on the way. Nothing fancy just KFC but it had to do for now.

"And were here" Damon parked outside of the house.

"You live here?" I eyed up and down the house before me. It was a nice home. Probably much bigger looking on the inside.

"Yup" he took keys out from the ignition and got out of the car not giving me any time to react. I followed him like a lost puppy. He had both mine and his stuff to carry but I didn't want to help. He was strong enough. "Just be yourself ".

"I would rather not" .

We were greeted by Damons parents and they seemed like nice people. It wasn't clear to me who he got his looks from. He looked like a mixture of both. I got to stop in their guest bedroom so I knew there would be no temptations. I was glad because Damon's a walking God. I didn't want to fall in to a trap.

Before I knew it the week was over and it was time to go home. I haven't called Liam the whole week because there hasn't been time. We went blueberry picking with Damon's mum and his sister Jessica almost everyday. We went to see London with the whole family and I loved every minute of it. I didn't have time to think about phone calls. Something was always happening. Jessica even taught me how to bake which I was pretty shit at. At least now I knew had to make blueberry muffins. Damon enjoyed watching me make a mess out of their kitchen and apologising repeatedly.
Every single night was spent in the living room playing instruments and singing. I could see the pride in both his parents eyes and it was nice to look at. Although Peggy didn't have much to be proud of , she still looked at her boys in the same way Damon's parents looked at him and Jessica. I wondered if I will ever get to witness pride watching my future children.
Saying goodbye wasn't easy. I've grown to love his family in such a short amount of time.

" I wish we could have stayed longer" I sighed as we got in to the car.

Damon smiled at me "then you need to come back with me more often. They loved you "

"If they lived closer I would so be at yours day in ,day out"

" You like other folks parents don't ya? You don't seem to enjoy being home with yours as much though. Why's that?"

I thought about his question. The thing was, I just liked being out of the house and no one could come close to Peggy.

"It's not like that " I shook my head.

"Then how is it?" Damon didn't take his eyes off the road.

"Peggy is the only one I'll ever tell my problems to. And she's the only grown up that knows what I'm really like because she's more like a friend. Your parents are just lovely though and they seem to have a lot of time for their kids."

"And your parents don't?"

"I suppose they do on the weekends but I spent most of my childhood with babysitters and once they had a day off they were too tired to go anywhere or do anything. We usually just sit at home "

"Yeah ... it's not always like this with my parents . I think they just didn't want to seem rude so they took the week off work for me and you "

" Well I enjoyed it . Thank you " .

"Not a problem".

We were met with awkward silence before Damon decided to break it and ask me a question "Hey Sally mate...Do you fancy going to Graham's before we go home? He's got his own gaff "

Did I feel like going to Grahams? No. Was I going to go just to see what they get up to ? Absolutely.

"Yeah can do man".

Spending this week by Damons side made me feel kind of attatched to him and I wanted to spend as much time with him as possible. I knew he was feeling the same way by the way he spoke about making similar plans in the future. Another couple of hours away from Liam wasn't going to hurt anyone.

Graham lived in a small flat . You could tell it was owned by a man. There were ash trays everywhere , empty cans and bottles laying around and he insisted for us not to take our shoes off . "Don't worry girls and boys, I'm getting this flat sorted out soon. Getting new carpets and a wallpaper for that cunt of a wall " Graham pointed to a wall which was covered with drawings and writing. That's when I noticed the marker pens laying around the room too. When Graham left the room to get us a beer each, Damon took his time to lean over to me and whisper " He's not getting this flat sorted. He's been saying this for months ". I nodded my head in understanding but knew not to comment on it. Each to their own.

Graham soon came back to the room and passed us the cans. We didn't do much except from talk about music while stone roses were played in the background. After around an hour Graham pulled out a baggie with some sort of a white substance in it. It was already crushed up so it was hard to tell what exactly I was looking at. I thought it was cocaine.

"Thought you'd never share" Damon seemed happy about seeing the substance " 3 lines then , yeah?" He pointed his question to me.

"What's that ?"

Damon and Graham gave eachother a look and smirked. " Ketamine. But trust me you'll love it."

"What's ketamine ? Isn't that like used to put horses down."

"Kind of yeah. But this you can sniff and it won't put you down " Damon reassured me." Trust me. As long as you don't do too much you won't feel much. You'll just feel relaxed."

I don't know how they managed to persuade me, but I gave in to the temptation. Another few minutes passed and I did feel relaxed just like they said. It wasn't too bad and it was something I could get used to. Graham shared out a few more lines before me and Damon decided that it was time to leave.

"You can't drive like this. Come on just stop the night " Graham pointed to the sofa "that's a sofa bed. I'll get you clean bedding and that ".

Damon looked at me as though he was asking for my opinion. I was careless. "Yeah can do ."

He got the sofa bed ready for us and went to sleep in his bedroom.

"So we're finally sharing a bed " Damon wiggled his eyebrows while kicking off his shoes and taking off his shirt. I was too ketty to think about what was happening . I took my shoes and my clothes off too and jumped in bed with Damon. My mind was blurry and careless. I cuddled up to Damon ,resting my head on his chest. For a moment , I remembered about Liam but pushed my thoughts aside when Damon kissed the top of my head.

And that's the last thing I remembered before passing out .

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