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"What's it going to be then?" Noel asked as he had me pinned down. He was staring at me now and it reminded me of a few years back when he would do this daily just to taunt me.

"Noel !" I wined again.

" Say it " he smirked.

My wrist started to hurt.

" Fine I'm sorry, I give up!"

He let go off me and jumped up reaching out his arm to help me up so I let him.

" Fuck You" I flagged him then adjusted my top. Tucking it back in my shorts .

"Would rather shagg a cat " he threw himself on his bed .

" I hate You"

" I love you too".

I looked at myself in the mirror and my hair was a fucking mess. It never fell the right way anyway. I never liked it even though Liam obsesses over it and calls it soft and nice. He's never felt Donnas hair. She was a girl in our class with the thickest, longest and the most shiny hair my eyes ever did see.

I messed around with it but with no success. I dropped my arms , tired from this bullshit.  I took the hair bobble from my wrist and threw my hair up in to a messy bun.

" I never know how girls can do that" Noel stared at me as though I have just done something proper amazing.

" You mean?" I threw myself on Liams bed . Me and Noel facing each other as we lay on the opposite sides of the room.

"Right, How on earth do you just twist it , throw it up and create this decent looking bun thing?" He asked.

I mentally rolled my eyes but decided not to let it show.

" Grow your hair and find out"

" grow your hair and find out" he mocked me , making us both laugh.

" God" I stopped laughing and just smiled " I can't remember the last time me and you spent some quality time together"

"No, me neither " he smiled back.

" I forgot how fun you can be"

" We've done nothing fun Sally" he tutted.

" You know what I mean you weirdo. It's nice to spend some time together."

" Stop being soppy. You spend too much time with our kid , he's turned you all soft."

" Or the other way around"

" Nah he's always been a soft one at heart. He just acts like a complete little idiot"

" So do You" I pointed out.

" And that's where we disagree. I'm a smart man Sal".

I raised my eyebrow and laughed.

" Let's go watch tele or summat before Liam gets back" Noel suggested and I followed him downstairs.

The only decent thing to watch was Hammer House of horror. We settled for that , knowing it would be on until tonight because they always played one after the other. We grabbed a few cans of beer and knew we'd be stuck doing just that until Liam got back-later that day.

Liams pov:

I ended up having a few drinks with the new Sally even though my gut feeling told me not to. 2 hours have passed and I haven't even realised how tipsy I was getting. That was a flag. I felt bad.

We spent our time getting to know each other and so far I knew she just finished her health and social care course, she's single. Lives with her sister and some other boring crap. She had a fun side to her. Apparently clubs are boring so she hangs around with her sister and her sisters mates doing all sorts.

" You should come one day "

" Yeah maybe Sally" I smiled.

I haven't even told her about my Sally and that was eating me alive. I didn't want to be that person.

A year or 2 back I got off on playing girls. I loved it as bad as it sounds. I always waited until they were completely in love with me and that's when I dropped them. Sally always told me off for it but I didn't care. When I fell in love with her everything felt different. My whole outlook on girls changed and it made me regret making all those other girls cry because I would never want to make Sally feel like that . Nor would I want Sally to make me feel that way.

"Call me Sal "

She caught me off guard. I can't. That's what I call my Sally.

" No really I shouldn't"

" Why not?" She raised an eyebrow.

Instead of telling her I had a girlfriend I told a lie.

" I like Sally better. It's a pretty name.  My favourite actually "

Sally smiled and shook her head.

" Do you say that to all the girls you meet?"

" No "  I said in monotone. It was the truth but I didn't want to tell her it had a special meaning to me.

I was caught in a situation and in a moment I didn't even know how to get myself out of. Why couldn't I just say that I have a girlfriend?

" Alright. I'll let you off"

" Yeah" I looked at the clock. It was 8 already. Time had passed faster than I thought it would.

" You ok?"

" What? Yeah." I lied  through my teeth. I decided to shake myself up and go back to just being me. A god.
My thoughts were going blurry. Alcohol had completely taken over me at that point and I couldn't use my right judgement.

" Of course I am gorgeous" I winked at her and without thinking about it twice I moved in closer to her and kissed her. Her lips tasted like cherry cola. I've seen those lip balms in every shop I've ever been to. They were soft and big so the kiss was good. What the fuck are you doing Liam? Stop.

She gave in to it and kissed me back making me feel horny again. I didn't feel the guilt anymore. I couldn't think about anything but getting off with her.

I heard someone clearing their throat and my heart dropped.

God don't let that be Sal.

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