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Sallys pov:

Day 1:

I arrived at my uncle's door. At Allies house, and all the memories came flooding back. Some might say I'm stupid for going there in the first place but I needed to. I had nowhere to go. I let everyone know where I was as soon as i found a payphone.
Well... Not everyone. If Noel and Liam knew where I was they would go crazy. Then the whole truth would come out. The two of them would be the first ones here to come and "save" me but maybe the only people I need saving from is them.

I knocked on the door and my heart pounded. My hands started sweating but I was cold. I hoped to god he had changed. Although I knew that wasn't possible. Or was it?

He opened the door and stopped dead in his tracks. It was apparent that he wasn't expecting this. Nor was I.

" Sally?" He looked me up and down, his eyes landed on my suitcase. I could tell by the look on his face that he realised I was going to stay.

"Hi " I said nervously. Swallowing my spit. Don't think about the past. Leave right now ! Stay. Don't go.

I hated his face and his hands and everything about him. I tried to get the flashbacks out of my mind.

" Come on. Come In" he gestured for me to come in and took my suitcase from my grip.

I followed him in to a guest room. This time he led me to the one downstairs. He usually gave me the one next to his room-upstairs . This shocked me. I only hoped for the best.

The house hasn't changed. However this time it was cleaner and didn't smell like alcohol.
Every corner of it reminded me of a memory. Some good and some bad but , again , I just brushed them off.

" isn't anybody in?"

" My wife's out working. We're trying to get the money together to give back to your father."

" Oh"

It was nice to hear he's gained some morals and was actually going to be giving the money back. On the other hand I was nervous because we were alone.

" Ally is unfourtnetly on a trip and she won't be back until the end of summer." He put my suitcase down.

Oh god this is it. This is where it happens again.

I was scared . But at the same time I was glad that she wasn't in. I don't really like her these days. Liam and all.

" Its a nice surprise" he smiled " How long will you be staying?"

" That's just it. I don't know. I kind of fell out with Liam and I need time away. Can I stay?"

" You're always welcome".

He left the room leaving me confused. I sat down on the bed and looked around. I had only slept in this bed a couple of times. With Liam.

What is he doing? He better not be locking the door.

My uncle came back shortly and sat down next to me. None of us moved or said anything for a couple of seconds.

Don't touch me.

" I want you to have this" he passed me a key " You can lock yourself in here at any time. It's to make you feel safe "

I took the key from him but I wasn't understanding why he was being so ...normal.

Is this man for real?

He stood up and headed for the door then turned around to look at me. Shame written all over his face.

" look...I'm sorry for everything. I was a bad person, I drank too much and I hate myself for what I did. For what she did too. I know we were in it together and it was wrong of us. I don't even know what to say to you Sally" He started tearing up " just know I'm sorry"

I opened my mouth but I couldn't get my words out. I was shocked and I couldn't wrap my head around any of it. Everything was changing and everything was twisted. I felt like I was dreaming. He left me in my new room and shut the door behind him.

I layed down on the bed and stared at the ceiling trying to make sense of my life. I missed Liam and I thought about mine and noels last kiss. There was nothing to think about but I appreciated his help. I also have never seen him cry- I guess he really is a loyal friend.

Tears fell down my cheeks again . I wanted Liam to be here , I needed him to hold me and see the changes but I knew that was impossible. I remembered about the mess I left in my room and I felt bad. I wanted my parents and i wanted Peggy. I couldn't feel safe or happy anywhere .

I spent the next day making breakfast with (I don't know if I gave Sallys uncle's wife a name but it's Jodie from now on) Jodie. It mainly consisted of eggs , tomatoes , butter and bread and all the other crap.

" Well it's nice to have you back. In better circumstances " she said nervously.

Fuck off.

" I wouldn't be so sure of That" I said while placing plates in 3 different places on the table. " I'm here because me and Liam fell out. He cheated on me ". Those words cut me like a knife all over again.

" Aw you're only young sweetheart you'll find somebody new."

My heart dropped. I haven't even thought about the fact me and Liam will eventually find new people to be with. I can't even imagine being with anybody else. I would never find anybody like that again. I only needed Liam.

I didn't need her advice. Not after what they did to me. Their morals are twisted.

" I guess so" I said biting my tongue.

Sitting around a table with 2 people who did bad things to me before- hurt my feelings . I had to hold my tears back because this would be my life now. Unless I wanted to face Liam again. I didn't know which would be more painful.

Noels pov:

" So where is she?!" Liam bounced around the kitchen like a dog waiting for a pat on the back off their owner . He clearly woke up from the hungover and his depression episode and has realised what's really going on.

" I can't bloody tell ya , she doesn't want neither of you to know " my mam shoo'd him away with a cloth.

" I don't think you understand mam. I need to get her back!" He started raising his voice. It was sort of panicky and it was apparent to me he was now shitting bricks and realised what he's done. We all knew that if he wanted her back he would really have to try.

" Don't you shout at me. You fucked up you silly boy. Not me. She's safe, now eat your breakfast ". She left us in the kitchen . Clearly not wanting to hear what else Liam had to say.

" Why doesn't she want us to know where she is ?" He looked at me and his usual- unbothered-look wasn't present on his face today.

" Because you're a dick and she needs space from us " I said while buttering my slice of my bread.

I didn't think of it as a problem. She knows that if I knew , Liam wouldn't let me live . He would beg me to tell him. I guessed she was saving me from exactly that. We both know he can be like this annoying little puppy that never leaves you alone until you give him what he wants.

" Well she can fuck off. And so can you , you dick. I'd never help your girl run off from ya"

" Correction. Ex girl"

" I swear to fucking god you prick! If you know where she is I'll kill ya"

"Fuck off. I know nothing."

" You better know nothing, you breadcake. I swear I'm gonna get her back just you watch you clown"

" Mhm " I ignored him.

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