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Not sure where to take this story. I have a brief idea but 🤷‍♂️. Does anybody want to help? X

Some time later we found ourselves on the nearest field. Jamie, Nick , Noel, Brandon and Liam were already discussing who's doing what and how the games going to work today. By Brandons smile and Liams enthusiasm I figured Liam seemed to have forgotten how much he didn't want Brandon there. They were getting along just like before the whole pregnancy thing.

Me and Holly decided to stay out of it and take a seat on the bench. A couple-what looked like they were in their mid 30's walked past having a disagreement. The lady wanted to stay out and see more of the park area-like the pond so that she could feed the ducks and their dog could have a run. But the man was insisting on going home and watching Tv. They ended up walking home with the woman a few steps Infront of him.

"Jee wouldn't have it that way with Brandon. I'd kill him" Holly joked when the couple was out of sight.

" Its like looking at me and Liam" I rolled my eyes and we laughed "So how have you been?" I asked not wanting to sound rude or nosey.

" Not bad." She rubbed her belly and smiled " it's not as bad as it sounds."

" Congratulations, I'm sorry I didn't know the right time to say It" I said apologetically. Frankly- I was shit at this stuff because I'm mainly friends with lads.

" It's honestly fine . Everyone's being weird about it but I think we're going to be just reyt "

"What's the plans Then?"

" Brandons dad wasn't too happy but he's fine with it now . My parents never even freaked out like I expected them to. We're moving away."

" Somewhere nice?"

" Ireland".

She couldn't have shocked me more. I wasn't happy about it because now my only girl friend was moving away. I was friends with Maria but never as close as I have been with Holly through all these years.

" Oh "

" Don't get sad. Brandons mam lives there. She wants to pay for everything and she's the only one that can afford it. Brandons gonna get a job in his step dads office, typing things up and sorting papers out.. making coffee-"

" Do you not need papers for that. A qualification ?"

" aye it's an apprenticeship. "

" What will you do?"

" Work in his mams cafè for now. Then once the baby is out I'll get an apprenticeship too. "

"doing what ?"

" Hair and beauty or something" she shrugged.

I felt bad asking her questions like that but I was genuiely concerned and wanted what's best for her.

" Can you believe we were at yours partying not long Ago?" I sighed and looked up at the sky " Things always change"

"They do but me and Brandon are quite happy . I've gotten lucky "

I could help but feel like she was implying something. Me and Liam may have had our fall outs and he did used to shagg about with different girls before we were together but we're best friends. I couldn't think of a better person to be with.

" I'm happy too" I said trying to make a point .

She nodded her head-dismissing any further conversation on this matter and I couldn't have been more glad. I didn't really want to sit there any more. Where I was and where I wanted to be at that time-were two different things.

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