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We spent the rest of the day playing monopoly and talking about all the things we did and all the things Paul did while he was away. We didn't touch upon the subject of Liam cheating and me having an abortion because we figured it was better to keep it quiet, at least for now. Paul said he went through 2 brief relationships which didn't satisfy him so the single life was for him.

It was good to see Peggy so happy, with the 3 lads at home and a good atmosphere. I believed she lived for moments like this. Of course it was hard for Liam whenever he realised he was actualy doing shit and losing at monopoly but Peggy shut him up by opening a bottle of gin. Him and Noel lived for gin and tonic which made me feel sort of disgusted because it wasn't my thing at all- I wasn't sure if I was supposed to drink but I did it anyway figuring Peggy would say if it wasn't safe to drink after an abortion. But then again, she never went through one herself.

"Shall we put the thing away now and just bang a film on?" Liam put away the dice when it was his turn and downed his drink.

Everyone exchanged a look. We knew exactly why he wanted to stop playing but it was easier to stop than to have to listen to him moan and complain.

"Fair enough" Noel wasn't in the mood to argue about it either. He packed the whole thing and took it back to their room. He came back with his guitar and pointed at the back door "Shall we make a fire , play and that?"

Liam jumped up kicking his feet up in the air " Fucking let's have it son" . Clearly the drink got faster to his head than what we expected.

"I'll get the fire going" Peggy left to do her own thing and left us to it.

"I can't fucking wait " Liam put his arm around me , landing a kiss on my cheek. " I love you "

"What was that for ?" I blushed , random acts of love was something I appreciated.

"I just love you"

"I love you too Li "

" Oh you soppy bastards" Paul pulled a face " why don't you put your self at use and get chairs and that around the fire place "

" Not going yet is it? Why don't you help?" Liam said smugly.

"Oi because I brought you presents , you should run around me now"

Paul brought decent presents back actually. He bought Liam a custom made t-shirt with all the Beatles on it but it wasn't one of the shitty ones. It was nice and colourful and must have cost a lot. Liam bummed over it for 15 minutes before deciding he needed to wear it immediately. He bought Peggy a pair of gold earnings. For Noel he decided that a new Adidas jacket would do. Then last but not least , he bought me another dress. That was predictable. He always bought dresses for me and they were always the nicest. This one was a little shorter than others because I'm "growing up". If he knew about the things me and Liam get up to he would vomit in his mouth .

" Oh don't get me started . Im never " he pointed to himself " right, ever taking this off "

" Better not it didn't cost me a fiver like all ya other crappy clothes"

" I wear nice clothes, fuck off "

" More like you Nick them off washing lines ey?" Paul joked

"They will do won't they?"

Paul looked at him in terror "that wa a joke that ! Let me find out you've been doing that and I'll snap ya neck , silly boy "

"Got to make a living ant I?"

I mentally sighed. Some of the shit Liam comes out with makes me wonder if he's fully up there.

Paul just gave him a look and shook his head.

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