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Liam pulls away and looks at me." I'm your world? There's so much more t' see."

He is right. There's other cities and towns to see, other countries and cultures. Different food to taste, exotic waters to feel, animals to see, music to hear and people to meet. But all that, all of it, would mean nothing if Liam wasn't by my side.
Nothing will ever compare to the safe feeling of waking up in his arms either in the middle of the night or a sunny morning , with his eyes gazing in to mine as he plants a kiss on my forehead and knowing that we have all the time in the world and we never have to move because were safe and were content in eachothers arms. That and the midnight walks down the shitty streets of Manchester, taking in all the fumes and the sound of trees in the wind as our footsteps and laughter are the loudest of sounds.

Liams pov:

" If you were to give me the world Liam , we would forget about the little things that make us feel happy and special. "

She simply says but I can see through her eyes. She's thinking about that in much more detail that she'll ever say. I bet she's thinking about hair swaying in the wind and the lot.

I stroke her hair away from her face and stand up from the swing. Im a fair bit taller than her now.

I'm starting to feel bad about only taking £20 with me when I promised to take her out. If it wasn't for that daft waiter I wouldmt have had an excuse to go sick and run out. I should probably find a job before thinking of starting a band.

I feel bad for being the way I am, it's like I think that the world is at my feet, in a way it is but if I carry on being the way I am , I dont think She'll last with me very long.

" Sal even if we broke up and I ended up rich, and ended up with some fit as fuck model who's mega filthy, I'd still never forget anything that ever made me feel special . And thats you I wouldnt forget you. Nuffin can compare to you , you hear me? I will always end up with you, by your side. When I'm old and dying, all that other shite, It will be by your side"

She stares at me but I can't really read her face.

" Do you mean that?"

"Course I do man, what d'ya mean do I mean that, look at everything we've already been through." I tell her truthfully. I swear she's my world but does she fuck see herself through my eyes.

" I know Li, " she sighs " But they are pretty serious words for a 16 year old."

"Ffs, Sally man I am serious, at the end of the day I don't give a fuck how old I am, I'll be telling you same and that I love ya even when I'm ten thousand and sixty fucking five."

I can see the smile that's about to rise, she knows I mean what I say.

" I suppose. You know... I'm not insecure.. Just scared. We've basically grown up together, we do everything together and them few weeks you didn't speak to me shit me right up, I didn't lose a boyfriend. I lost a best friend and that hurt me more than anything."

" What, being with me everyday and that and then not seeing me at all?"

" Well, yeah" she nods.

" I'm a prick with how I went about it, it was only cause I truelly believe you deserve better I'm sorry."

She feels better once I comfort her. We find ourselves lying on the field, past caring if we get our clothes mucky or not. It's just us and the sky, the universe man. We can do anything we fucking wanna with our lives.

" By the way, How filfy ?" She asks out of the blue.

" Huh?"

" Earlier, you said even if you get with the filfiest model, you'd end up back with me. Just wondering how filfy is filfy," she lets out a silly laugh and I know she's mugging me off.

" I don't know, just hardcore porn star material, all weird shite, d'ya know what I mean?"

" Youre in to that?"

" No man but you get my point"

She smirks " Wait until I tell Noel" she wiggles her eyebrows, obviously joking.

" Or I could tell him you had a wet dream about him 2 years ago and you woke up without your knickers on and screaming his name "oh noely fuck me harder " "

"..That never even happened" She raises an eyebrow.

" so , you get mi point with this anol"

She laughs it off and changes the subject.

" Can't believe Noel fingered Ally man, as if she sucked his cock."

Sallys pov:

Liam turned pale .
" Dirty cunts man, I din't speak to him for a week after that I heard it all."

"You never said a word" I smirk.

His face looks funny , like he's trying to calculate what I just said.

" That Ally . She's an odd bitch." He shakes his head after a short while.

" Why?"

I mean there has been times she tried flirting with him and it worked so Liam thought he'd get his end wet but then other times she was utterly cold hearted with him, making him feel unbelievably stupid.

" Well not classy is she really?" He thinks about it. " Would you let me finger you right next to Noel and her knowing full well Noels awake" .

" He's walked in on us before."

" That's different. That's his problem. We never did that with his back touching me did we? Never did none of that, no nothing"

" Suppose ya reyt, she is my cousin though so shurrup"

" Tried fucking me" he points out and I have to give him that.

" Do I just hate her then?"


"Well then"

" Still weird, d'ya know what I mean?" He argues.

" I can kind of see it."

She is a sort when I come to think about it. Her likes and dislikes and her behaviour change from second to second , sometimes I wonder if she's bipolar or just horny and trying to fuck anything with a pulse.
This one time we went to a fun fair, she met this guy and did everything for him to try and fuck her somewhere on the field but when he asked for her number imstead she called him ugly and blanked him for the rest of the night.

" She's not keen on you anyway." I say laying my head on his chest and hugging in to him. The colder air is hitting me now as it's getting late.

" And why's that?" He asks, rubbing my arms to make me warmer.

" She told me it was all you in the tent. Not gonna lie ,I had a bit of a meltdown even though I didn't love you like that back then, but then Noel told me that it was him and she didn't know and doesn't know until this day because it was dark. She thinks she did all that stuff with you."

I finally confess and he bursts in to a fit of laughter. For the next 10 minutes I had to listen to how "dumb" she is and how "pathetic" of her.

" I would have probably fucked her back then but never with you by my side, that would be disrespectful without a doubt." He shakes his head.

I shiver and sit up.

" I think we should go back, stop at mine tonight?"

" Digging it, your mams back tommorow int she? ."

" Yeah, lets go."

Although we haven't done much tonight and it didn't end up how I had imagined, I'm sure I will remember it much more vividly simply because of how it went about and the things we've spoke about. My mind is somewhat at ease.

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