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Damon showed me around the house and just like I thought it was the same as mine only everything was the other way around. For example my bedroom would be on the right side instead of the left side of the house. He showed me the room he was going to be sleeping in and just as I thought -it was the one right opposite from me. I helped him unpack his things and learnt that he's quite a musician. It surprised me because he seemed like such a mellow type of a guy. Nothing like you saw on tv.

My parents called to say they would be staying out which worked in my favour because I needed some alone time with Liam later on.

Me and Damon talked about all sorts of things' realising we have quite a connection. Damon was different to Liam. He was kinder, more curious, it's almost like he cared for everything around him a bit too much.

" What drove you to come here? Anyway how old are you?" I asked realising I had spent 3 hours with him and haven't asked the obvious.

"I'm 20 and just because I needed to get away for a bit"

I wondered what he meant by that buy I decided not to question him on that or where he gets his money from.

" Oh I'm only 16"

He looked me up and down with a sour look on his face.

" Really? And you've been pregnant already?"

Excuse me?

"I mean! Sorry - that sounded rude. I just meant God , I don't know. I'm just shocked Liams mad at you for it. Typical 16 year old"

I felt somewhat offended "What do you mean ?" I was startled.

" All 16 year old boys say they wouldn't want a kid then when it comes to having one it's a different story. If you would have kept it I'm sure he would have stuck around for a month or two mate but not more"

I thought about it and he was probably right. Especially Liam, he gets bored easily.

"Liam loves me, you know that don't you?" I asked Damon.

"You wanna do something else?" He changed the subject . I was beginning to feel a little odd. And I wondered where Liam was and why he hasn't looked for me. It pissed Me off.

" Like what ?" I pushed my thoughts aside.

" I don-" Damon was cut off the sudden banging on the door.

Oh here he goes.

" That will probably be Liam or Noel if not both man... I should prolly go but thanks for the talk " I said standing up .

" hey not a problem . Come by at any time "

" I Will " I smiled and headed for the door.

As Liam was about to knock again I opened up the door and his arm was up in the air " Oh " he sighed putting it down.

I smiled at him and shut the door behind us " Come on let's stop at Mine, my parents called they had to go visit my auntie tonight "

He didn't say much but he followed me to my house and in to my room anyway.

" We need to talk " he broke the silence " How can we go at a rate like this ? We can't "

I sighed " I feel like now because of what happened ,every time I'm going to talk to You, you're going to be in a mood. What you did today was wrong"

" Oh so you have to go and spend the whole day with him because I hit him"

I raised an eyebrow " You didn't just hit him though really did you Liam?"

" Well no"

" Well then"

He didn't answer so I began getting ready for bed. I brushed my teeth, put my hair up in a bun and jumped out of my clothes- slipping on an oversized t-shirt. Liam watched me but there was nothing behind it.

I could tell he didn't want me like he normally did. He looked at me and I knew he was thinking about the whole abortion thing.

"You're making me uncomfortable"

"So now I can't watch my girlfriend get changed ?"

" Not like that you can't. You're looking at me like I'm a size 20 fucking 4 or something "

He tutted and ran his hand through his mop of hair " shut up Sally it's not that man "

" I know what it fucking is but I don't want you looking at me like that. It makes me feel like shit " I said while getting In bed and covering myself.

" You had a good day with Damon anyway?"

I couldn't believe he was still getting at it .

" Yeah after I helped him with an icepack " I said trying to make a point about Liam hurting Damon.

He jumped up from my chair and raised his voice " He's been in this fucking house too and you let him use sumat that's meant for us? What else Sally? Did you fuck him ?!"

This wasn't the Liam I know. Liam never showed any signs of abuse and I wasn't about to take any off him tonight either.

" first of all i Can't have sex for 3 weeks you uneducated fool . And second of all don't get pissy about it, them icepacks are for every cunt in the house "

" Oh so if you could have you would have fucked him? "

" If I could have I would have fucked you the minute you walked through that door "

He looked at me , I couldn't read his eyes. " can I get in bed ?"

" Kind of the whole point of you stopping innit?"

He switched off the light, took off his clothes and got in next to me. This was the first time me and Liam got a chance to cuddle up to each other after the break up. We didn't get a chance the night before because I wanted to be alone.

My heart skipped a beat, I wondered how this would feel. I decided to turn on my side so Liam could spoon me. And all of a sudden the all too familiar smell hit me. He smells like heaven - that's when he hasn't drank.

" How come you're not stoned anymore ?"

" We only had a joint and walked home"

" Is Noel mad ?"

" Could say that. He's just mad in general. Think he likes the idea of being an uncle "

" Interesting, seen as he's not keen on babies at all"

" No but he would be keen on watching it grow up, playing football and that"

I thought about what Damon said. Liam and Noel would definitely get bored of having a child around.

" What about the baby stage ?"

" I don't think he thought about that "

" Well what about You?" I asked but I didn't know if I wanted to know the answer.

I could feel his breathing getting heavier on my neck.

" I.. I would be a good dad Sally.  From beginning to the end "

" I know Liam"

" I love you Sally. Let's make this right"

" I love you too Liam."

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