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I guess in situations like this one you have to just take each day as it comes. No stressing, just let things be. Easier said than done but I can manage.

Noel seems to be doing okay after ringing Kelly. I guess Liams "talk" with me from this morning inspired him to ring her.

"What did she say then?" I finally ask him.

We're laid out on the sofa stuffing our faces with ice cream watching some crappy sports channel which I'm paying 0 attention to.

" Not much" he shrugs.

" You was on the phone for about 20 minutes earlier, don't chat shit Noel"

" Oright , gave her a chance to explain herself , I guess because.. It's like " he stops and thinks " I kind of wanted to know what she had to say for herself.."

" Ye... so what did she say?" I pressure him.

" I guess nothin' that would justify it.."he sighs and takes a deep breath in and out " just can't be bothered with it. I told her we won't get back together but I wanted her to leave Manchester on good terms. Let her know she can come back and no ones gonna give her a ballackin' for it"

At first I'm confused but then I remember Kelly is moving to Sheffield this week , to live with her mum and start College there.

" Alright." I smile at him ." Are you ok?"

" Yeah. Are you going to talk to her?"

"Probably not. I don't need fake friends" I tell him truthfully. Making up with Kelly is not on my cards.

" what you doing about our kid then?"

" Well what are you doing about him?" I ask.

" I asked first"

" And I asked second" I argue.

He rolls his eyes " Well his me brother I'll probably make up with him tommorow" he looks at the time on our digital clock. 8pm " yeah can't be bothered with it today."

Oh great. Now it's back to just me and Liam not talking.

I shrugg it off " I don't know what to do."

" Talk?" He says ironically.

" No."

"Why? Because of your ego?"

I look at him in disgust and clear my throat. "1 , hiding things from me, 2 ,lying to my face, 3, standing me up,4 , telling me to go to Leeds without him when he knows about my past-".

" Ok , ok sorry I get it" he cuts me off but I don't let him.

"4, fucking my bestfriend and 5 accusing me of shagging you."

Noel giggles " Just forget about all that. As long as he apologises for the whole Leeds thing and pushing you away."

I stare at him for a while. He has a point . Although seeing Liam fuck Kelly broke my heart. We lost our virginitie's to eachother. It pains me to know that Liam has already fucked Kelly and Paige too. That means he's on 3 people and I'm only on 1. Maybe having sex with someone else would make Liam less special to me.

" Yeah, erm Noel?" I say slowly.

" I don't like that tone. " he looks at me suspiciously.

" There's probably a party at Brandons tonight, you wanna come?"

I am in a party mood for once in my life and I remember that Brandon invited me last week. Perfect opportunity to find someone to fuck.

He scrunches up his face and looks me up and down " Are you on drugs?" He asks worried.

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