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It didn't take long for me and Damon to fall back to sleep. I guess I needed it after all. I dreamt of sugar and spice and all things nice. That would be a threesome with Damon and Liam.

I rubbed my eyes after waking up and looked down at Damon who was asleep beside me. Beautiful. He was a really good looking and charming man. If I was single at the time I would have fucked the living shit out of him. I think those contraceptive pills I was prescribed the week before were messing with my hormones. But at least I wasn't breaking out in spots anymore. That and I wouldn't get pregnant again.

I shook him awake "Damon, come on wake up it's 5 already you won't sleep at night ". He batted his eyelashes a few times then smiled up at me "Well you know , I don't really sleep much anyway "

"You Don't?"

"I'm kidding I sleep a lot " He sat up and stretched- yawning in the process. He didn't look so bad to say he just woke up and I wondered if I could say the same about me. I got up from the sofa to look in the mirror . My bones hurt from the position I slept in. Having to sleep sat up is not a great combo.

My hair was finally dry , to my surprise it wasn't frizzy from me pressing down on it against the sofa. I was however wearing Liams oversized t-shirt and his Adidas shorts , which really wasn't quite a look on me. I sighed and sat back down with Damon "You hungry ?"

He didn't have to ask again. We spent the next half an hour In his kitchen trying to think of something to eat. We decided on scrambled eggs, it was a lot of fun , especially with the way we fucked about, throwing a few punches here and there and me cracking an egg on the top of his head. We fell in to a fit of laughter after that happened to end tragically , with egg running down on to his face "fuck you!I'm gonna have to get you back !"

I screamed and ran to the other side of the kitchen "No! I just showered !Please don't!" . He threw the egg anyway but I managed to dodge it, causing it to end up cracking on Damon's fridge and making a mess. We stopped dead in our tracks for a few seconds , Damon could catch a fly with the way his mouth formed an o shape. After the short silence we burst out in to laughter again. " Fuck off Sally, you troublemaker " he shook his head with the biggest grin on his face.

I jumped up to sit down on the kitchen side and Damon went back to preparing our food. "What are you smiling for ?" I asked curiously while grinning myself.

"I don't know " he shrugged "I'm just having a lot of fun , like , last night was nice and everything.  Feel like I ant had fun in ages "

"You're only 20" I cheekily pointed out "You need to stop being boring "

Damon chuckled "You wanted to go in early , remember? So don't even come at me with that . I've probably had more fun in my life than you "

"What , sniffing lines and shagging 9's?" I joked.

"Hey hey hey , don't knock it until you've tried it " he waved the wooden spoon Infront of my face.

"I'm okay sniffing lines and shagging a 10 thanks very much " I smirked at Damon waiting for a reaction.

"Well " he put the food on our plates "that's biast.  Liams definitely a weaker 10 than me". Oh God.

I rolled my eyes " whatever you say."

After I finished eating and helping Damon wash up I decided that it was time to go back to see Liam and Noel.
Peggy was already back from her afternoon shift and told me they have been up for a shower and food but went straight back to bed. When I was about to leave to go up she stopped me "What on earth are you wearing Sal ? Is that Liams bloody top ?"

I lifted it up and showed her the rest "Don't worry. I'm wearing his shorts too." I ran up up to a dying Liam. Noel decided to go back to Paul's room because he wanted to go back to sleep.

"Where you been ?" Liam asked "and what the fuck are you wearing?"

"I showered and had nothing to put on, sorry " I kissed his forehead and got in the bed with him "I went to see if Damon was ok after we left him and we ended up falling asleep while watching a film. Then we made food and now I'm here ".

He didn't say anything back for a while. I moved myself to get on top of him "You know what would be nice though babe?"  I decided to break the tension.

"What ?"

"Well it's been 7 days since I've started on pill, think I'm covered " .

He seemed to get over the fact I spent my afternoon with Damon because he was quick to pull mine and his clothes off. We finally fucked and it was better than I could have imagined. I almost forgot what it's like to be with Liam or to have sex at all.

"Sally do you think you and me will always be together?" Liam asked. I wondered where that question even came from . " I should hope so Li,Why?"

" Well you know , who knows? Me and you were the best of friends proper up for anything and that. Doing, like , a bit of this and a bit of that. Always adventuring together -"

"Get to the point please "

He sighed, placing one hand on my cheek . We layed down facing each other.  " I just think I'm more just a boyfriend than a friend these days and it's putting a downer on mi mood , d'ya know what I mean? We do all this boyfriend girlfriend crap but we never do anything sick together any more.  I just miss my best friend a bit like " .

"Liam " I moved in closer so that I could kiss him "we're still best mates. We've just had other shit going on, but you still have me. It's a weird time in our lives, we've finished school which means no more fucking about.  But we're not even 18 yet, imagine how that's gonna be, absolutely mental ."

"You think ? I suppose you might be a bit right actually man" I smiled, I could feel the bit of hope in his voice.

"Ofcourse you idiot, it's always going to be me and you "

"And damon " he made a comment rolling his eyes. I don't think he was ever going to let that go.

"You come first "

"Better fucking do anol. Wish that geezer would move out already " . Liam was never going to be fond of Damon and that's something I needed to accept. I also couldn't break Liams trust but being around Damon was so fucking hard when I couldn't kiss him. Maybe If I truelly loved Liam I wouldn't be thinking about Damon. Oh come on Sal ! Give your self a break even the nuns would like to fuck DamonThat and I would rather never shagg Damon and get Liam forever than shagg Damon once and never get to touch Liam again. Priorities.

We spent an hour in bed before going down for tea and then over to my house to see my parents. They were pleased to finally see me but pissed about me never letting them know I wouldn't be home.

"Sally how many times do we need to talk to you about this ey?" My dad shook his head at me "Liam could have at least informed us you was out with Damon "

"He was with her " my mum looked at my dad gone out.

"Oh "

"But you could have rang Sal. Come on, start taking responsibility you're old enough now " my mum continued. I looked at Liam and rolled my eyes to the back of my head "come on let's go upstairs "

"Hey hey , I'm not having that . You just got here , come on . Both of you sit down , we can get Gin and tonic out and watch a film "

"But dad "  I moaned.

"The man said g&t Sal , come on" Liam was sat down beside my father within seconds. I could have killed them both. My mum shrugged her shoulders helplessly. Great .

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