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I found myself sat in the kitchen the next morning with a morbid look on my face after my mother found me crying.

"What's wrong Then? Are you going to tell me or not? " she asked with her legs spread around the bucket on the floor. She pealed potatoes for our dinner later on. She'd put the pealed ones in a pan full of water which was placed on the table, giving me a questioning look every so often.

I thought about last night and how I promised myself to get her more involved in my life.

"I went on a walk with Damon when we got back last night "

"Damon ?"

"The new guy next door"

" Oh yeah I saw him this morning, he seems nice and polite. I didn't know you already met "

I sighed " yes Liam and Noel hate him , they had a bit of a fight "

"Oh I see. Nothing new Then " she rolled her eyes " What's wrong Then? Do you feel guilty about talking to him or ?"

" something like that" I nodded my head.

"Something tells me there's more to it. Am I right?"

I remembered why I stopped being so open with my mum and dad. They could read me like a book once I touched upon a subject.

" Yes. We .. we kissed " I wanted to hide my face but I knew I couldn't. If I was going to talk to her , I had to be brave and open about it.

"Liam cheated on You, he will understand. "

" Mum I can't tell him!" I snapped.

"Of course you can Sal. And you Will, because that's the right thing to do

"He wouldn't understand mum , it's not as simple as that is it? You know how he gets, with his temper and that,it's a right pain in the arse "

"Listen sweetheart , you'll have to tell him. It's not fair to keep things from your boyfriend "

"Damon said that I'm wasting my life away , you know, cos I won't go to college yet.  He said it's because I daren't leave Liam and Noel for a day and I think he might be right "

She stopped and looked at me "then you better get your head out from your arse and start thinking about your future ". Ouch.

I looked out the window after I caught a glance of someone walking over to our house, only to see Liam approaching , "he's here "

"Tell him " she sounded serious.

I made my way over to the door but Liam was already walking in. Obviously.

"Hey babe " he smiled and planted a kiss on my cheek " god I feel like fucking shit today, was a good night though right? I behaved "

"Debatable, you passed out outside" I informed him and waited for him to take his shoes off.

"Don't listen to her Liam love , you were behaving ! Nothing wrong with falling asleep after having too much to drink " my mum shouted from the kitchen .

" You fucker!" Liam slapped me on the arm lightly and grinned " I knew I behaved "  he answered my mum.

"Hi Liam "

"Hello "

" I'm only messing with ya babe.  You did good. Thank you " I reached for him to take my hand " let's go upstairs and talk "

We got ourselves comfortable in my bed and cuddled up . It was raining outside so Liam put his wet jacket over my chair.

"Its a perfect day to stay in bed, I'm staying for dinner by the way I can't be arsed going home man . It's a situation "

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