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It didn't take long for me to realise just how homesick I was. I entered my house and chills ran through my body. The last memory I have of it isn't a positive one.

" Hello who's there?" My mother's voice could be heard echoing around the house. She must have heard the door open and shut. She gasped and made her way towards me. " Sally darling what aya doing home ?!"

" I'm back mum " I gave her a weak smile. It's hard hiding things from your own mother but it would be even harder to tell her the truth.
We hugged and she smiled, showing her beautiful face features. I've missed her.

" I'm so happy you've come home, it's been right boring round here ya know?" She looked at Liam and Noel and shot them a smile too " Hi boys"

" Hi"

" Hey ". Liam wasnt sure how to act.

She looked at Liam then at me. I knew exactly what she wanted to know.

" so yeah.  Me and Liam are okay now"

" Good" I could tell she was genuine .

" Who's come in?" My dad came in to the room " By the Christ Sally!" He came and hugged me .

" I'm sorry I left "

He looked at Liam with a curious look on his face then he looked back at me.

" That's alright. Things happen. Don't they Liam?" . Liam nodded his head- clearly feeling intimidated. This couldn't have been made more awkward. " Glad you're back sugar, get your room sorted out though. We haven't touched it since you wrecked it".

Shit.  Forgot about that.

" Ofcourse " I nodded my head and pointed for Noel and Liam to come with me. We kicked our shoes off and I took Liams hand in mine to lead us upstairs, leaving Noel to carry my bag. Poor bastard.

My room looked like a shit tip. The last thing I wanted to do was to put it all back to how it was. I saw worry in Liams eyes as he scanned my bedroom with his eyes. He said I must have been really fucking mad at him and that he was sorry. Noel messed around with my set of drawers, trying to fix them and finally succeeded. Liam wasn't much help, he found random objects around the room and just played with them. Obviously.

Before we knew it it was time for dinner. I was shocked at my father's desire to make effort with Liam. I heard things got heated up after I left but I didn't know just how much. I felt guilty that dad had a go at Liam but I would only do the same for my child. They spoke about music, me and Liam, our plans and what it was like to grow up in their days when John Lennon and the Beatles were about. My mum smiled at me occasionally from across the table as if to say things were going to be alright. Noel just stuck to eating as much as he could and joined in on the music conversation from time to time.

We spent the rest of the night with Peggy, I've never seen a woman more glad to see me back but angry to see her son's going behind her back and reading the adress on the letter.

I decided to spend my first night back at home. When I layed my head down on my pillow , it hit me. I was back to reality but my child was gone. Half of me and the other half of the person I love was gone forever. Once again I found myself crying and soaking my pillow. The lump in my throat hurt and my face stung from the tears. At this rate I will start looking like a red tomatoe 24/7.

"I'm sorry Bean I love you " was the last thing I said while looking at the stars through my window. I really had love for that child and if I was at home maybe things would be different.

The next day I woke up feeling like the sun was bothersome. I sighed and opened up my curtains and the left window. My belly felt sore but nothing too major. I knew I had another 3 weeks to go without sex and I didn't know how I was going to do that with Liam round.

I decided to take a shower and make an effort for once, I put minimal amount of make up on and did my hair. I felt better about myself.

" Sally!" I heard Noels voice coming from outside.

" What?" I leaned out of the window to look at him.

" Coming out?" Liam said holding up a joint.

My eyes nearly popped out of my eyes.

" Put that away!" I said , pointing downstairs with my finger.

" Have ya forgotten ?ya parents do  work ?"

Oh yeah .

I put my shoes on and made my way out of the house, locking the door behind me.

Once I was outside I was greeted with a kiss from Liam and a hug from Noel.

" How you feeling?"

"I'm better babe. You?"

"Barely slept last night if I'm honest Sal. It's fucked up man"

" That's why we're getting stoned though, just think positive thoughts" Noel suggested.

" I suppose " the pair of us answered.

" Who's that geezer staring ?" Liam looked at a boy next to my house. He Was holding a box. He seemed like he was moving in to the house next to me. If he was getting the room with the window across from mine I was never going to hear the end of it from Liam. The blonde guy put down the box and took out a cigarette and sparked it up.

The 3 of us continued staring as though he was some sort of a painting. Completely not realising he was aware.

" Take a picture it will last longer". His voice was deep but smooth. It almost sent chills down my spine. It was sort of attractive. Not to mention his good looks and his accent sounded like he was from London.

" Just what we need a posh prick on the streets thinking he's it" Noel laughed.

" The posh prick has a name. I'm Damon "

" Couldn't care less who you are man. You sound like a posh fucking twat and you'll not fit in round these streets lad" Liam said while pulling this weird face that I myself have never seen him pull.

I went red. Feeling completely embarasssed that Noel and Liam spoke to him in this manner even though they had only just met him.

" I think the only lads who don't fit in on this street are you two bushy eyebrowed twats "

" You fucking what?!" Liam went to walk towards him but I grabbed his arm and pulled him back. " Not today Liam  please" I looked at him with plead in my eyes and he gave in.

" Ya lucky my missus is here"

" If she's your girl , I'm not so lucky" Damon said winking at me.

Not going to lie , I had my knickers in a twist when he said that. It was nice to have someone new appreciate my looks.

" Watch what you fucking say you fucking prick . Sallys going no where near ya " Noel pointing his finger at Damon .

What the actual fuck is happening?

" Ofcourse not. Her type seems to be a typical dickhead from the council estate "

Before I knew it Liam and Noel charged towards him and there was nothing I could have done. Liam held him down and Noel punched Damon a couple of times. They then pushed him to the ground and Liam gave him a kick in the ribs a good three times.

I felt my eyes sting but at that point I was all cried out. The only thing I felt was empathy for Damon and anger towards Liam and Noel.

" Don't fucking speak to us like that you fucking Muppet!" Liam now sounded more than pissed off and I knew that was bad news.

"You're hard. 2 on one " Damon said picking himself up and holding on to his belly. His eyebrow was fucked up and his eye and cheek were bruised.

" I'll fucking have you on my own you silly fucking stupid boy !" Liam raised his voice.

I sighed and went over to them.

" Liam go home.  You too Noel "

" What?"

" I asked you not to do this and you fucking did. I'll come see you later just go. I can't be bothered with the pair of you at minute "

" You've got to be fucking kidding me.." Liam shot me a hateful look.

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