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Somewhere inbetween the sad talk and falling asleep again, me and Damon did the deed. For the second time in our lives. It wasn't hard to believe, but it was unexpected.

Never ever did I think I would find myself in the arms of the man I once loved and then sleep with his enemy hours after.

What am I ? Maybe Liam was right. I can't even control my feelings. I must be a tramp.

"The phones ringing" Damon nudged me half asleep," please get it" . I sighed and went over to the phone, not really wanting to.


"Hello you little idiot, how are you songbird ?"

I gasped, taking the phone away from my face and holding it to my chest. Noel. What could he possibly want?

" Sally are ya there?" I heard a muffled voice.

I stuttered my words out slowly,"Erm, I, yeah. Erm, songbird ?"

He chuckled "Oh ar, it's what our kid always calls ya. Think he still fancies ya".

I rolled my eyes even though he couldn't see. The words he spoke were like knives to my heart. I knew Liam still loved me but hearing someone else say it made it feel real. Which subsequently meant it hurt more.

"I think it was more complex than that. Don't ya think?"

"Maybe.  Who knows ? I don't remember yesterday.  Nevermind a few years ago "

"Are you high?"

"Maybe "

"How did you get this number anyway?"

He laughed again. "Nevermind about that. What are you doing living with that snowflake Dick-mon anyway?"

I suppose I'll never live to see the day where Gallaghers and Damon make up and I won't have to listen to them insulting one another.

"He's my best friend"

"No he's not. We are .. well me at the least ".

I snorted "Pfft.  Then where have you been all these years ? We grew apart and the minute I dumped Liam you never tried to contact me".

"I have" he sounded pissed off "of course I fucking have you idiot"

"How so ?"

"I dunno. I asked ya mam about ya, that good enough?"

"She never said"

"May not have been you then, dunno" he whispered the last word to himself, clearly trying to remember.

"Exactly "

"I've got it! "

"What ?"

"Rang this number once, Dickmon answered and when I swallowed my pride to ask for ya he put the phone down. Stupid fucking cunt, another reason why I don't like him"

"He wouldn't "

"Well it's like ya know, you could believe me or you don't have to. You're either a little idiot or a fucking big one".

I sighed , inhaling and exhaling.

"Alright then. I apologise.  What do you want ? "

"Meet me today, I'm free in an hour and I want you to come see me" his speech was fast . Then I heard him snort something up with his nose. "Please Sally. I love you man, you know that".

I didn't know if it would be okay, but after hearing what Damon has done behind my back, I was mad. How dare he keep me away from Noel?


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