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Around 10 minutes later I got bored of laying around having slept for 21 hours. I decided to take my money box downstairs and give it to my parents.

" What's this?" My mum stares at the box " I thought I told you to ignore dad."

Liam sat down on one of the chairs and took a cigarette out of the packet laying on the table. " Thank you" he said cheekily to my mother which made me giggle.

" Will you give up will ya?" She snatched the packet from his grip and threw it on the kitchen side. " At least now I know where all my fags go. "

" Sorry beautiful" he blew her a kiss and smirked " you know you love Me."

"And it's a good bloody job I do." She laughed at his silliness. " Buy your own lad."

We all laughed but then I quickly went back to the subject.

" Mum I know I've done wrong and I think dad is right about him keeping the money in a safe place."

"You ever blew the money ?"

" How do you mean?"

" Have you ever taken money out of your money box for anything other than to help Peggy out."

I think back to the weed and the junk food I bought but that still counts as the time I took it out to help Peggy.

" I guess not." I tell  a white lie.

" Then he has no right not to trust you, you did wrong which is fair enough but that bastard has no right not to trust ya." She shakes her head.

" Yeah I know that but he should still keep the box. "

" That's your decision. Sit down anyway I've got loads to tell ya both about that weirdo family of ya dads."

Me and Liam exchange a look of mutual understanding. My mum always has something to say about my father's family and it's always funny to listen to.

We were sat around our kitchen table for a good half an hour listening to my mum tell us how annoying and naive my father is to have lent the money to my uncle. It did apparently go towards the party for my cousin but we all know he's not seeing that money again. Other than that, not much has changed.

" When you back at work?" Liam stubbed , now his own cigarette in the ashtray.

" Tommorow." She yawned and ran a hand through her hair. I can tell she's happy to get back in to the routine. Sitting at home has never been a thing of hers.

" Why did Jack go in today?" He raised an eyebrow.

" Think he would rather die than relax another day. You see when you have a routine for years you kind of feel out of place at home."

" My mams always happy to get a day off"

" Liam that's different love, she works really hard for very little and long hours not to mention."

" Wish she had gone to uni or summat" he stated.

" Be thankful for what you have." I made a comment annoyed .

" Easy for you to say , ya only live round corner but your house is three times the size of mine."

" Yet we spend all our time at yours, this house feels empty."

" We're here aren't we? It don't feel empty now."

" It Does to be fair " me and my mum both said in collision.

We shared an awkward moment of silence until my mum and Liam started going on about school and our future. I think she had hoped to hear more from him than " I bet a failed all me Gcse's" .

I had switched off when they were talking away and I could still feel the effect of xanax but it wasn't a drowsy feeling. I was rested and in a content mood.
Liam was sat in a perfect position because the sun was reflecting off his face making his eyebrows furrow and his blue eyes shine. I smiled to my self trying to remember when I got so lucky. My mother's hair fell perfectly on to her shoulders and away from her face, the only wrinkles you could see on her beautiful face were by her eyes from all the smiling she has done through all these years. I appreciated her more than she imagined.

" Sally?" My mum raised an eyebrow .

" what you smiling at you weirdo?" Liam asked.

"Nothing" I smiled again " I love you both."

" I love you Sal" my mum giggled.

Liam shot me a smile" You heard what we've just said?"

"No sorry."

" We're gonna have a bbq when your dad gets back , at mine with Noel and mam."

" sound by Me" I agree.

I think we all need a one off to talk about everything.

" I bet ya glad you fell out and didn't end up coming to Leeds anyway " My mum changed the subject.

I glared at Liam remembering everything he put me through, all the drugs I've done at the parties and the living with Noel which was sort of funny considering we smoked a lot of bud in my garden.  Something my parents would kill me for if they knew . So much went off while my parents were gone and I was glad they were back to keep me grounded.

" You have no idea" Liam said ironically sticking his tongue out at me.

" What exactly happened while we were away?"

I could feel my body heat up.

" School ended , I had a chance to get my things " I quickly blurted out not giving Liam a chance to speak. He always says the wrong thing.

" Is that it?"

" A few parties ." Liam chuckled

" I see " my mother looks at the both of us .  " You both made up for good now though ? Back to being mates?"

Me and Liam both widen our eyes at eachother realising we haven't told my parents the news yet. They have no idea were together now.
When my mother was reaching for her pack of cigarettes Liam silently  mouthed " we will tell them tonight." I nodded my head.

" Yeah mum were good again." I said when she turned her attention back to us.

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