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I once wanted to die. Well, maybe more than on one occasion. This time however, things were different. I was met with a strong nostalgic feeling which took me back to mine and Liams youth. I wanted to relive the countless days we spent on the swings . Fuck , I even wanted to be taken back to the time he took me out then made us run out of the restaurant because he didn't actualy have the money but wanted to do something nice for me.

Once that feeling was no longer present, I felt myself turn numb. Numb to the world and to any feelings. I couldn't cry now that Damon held me close to him but I knew he sensed I wasn't okay. He always knew.

"Sally I swear to God I'm coming for that bastard " Liam smiled devilishly. Im scared now. He doesn't look like Liam. This Liam looks angry, angrier than usual but in a scary way.

I twitch and take a step back "no leave him alone "

"No!" Liam pulls out a knife and looks in another direction. I follow his gaze. Damon is stood behind me. "Please don't! Leave him alone!"

"I'll either kill you or him you little tramp! " Liam moves towards us.

"Sally quick !" Damon takes my hand and we start running.

"You can't run from me fuckers! You've done the deed now!" Liams getting closer to us.

"No !! Please !!" The faster we run the closer he gets to us. We can't escape him.

"You've done the deed now!" Liam grabs me by the hair "it's too late!" .I'm pulled down and Damon stops to look at me helplessly." Run Damon just go! Please go hide!"


"No damon!"

Liams above me , ready to stab tue knife in to my chest. I twist and turn to try and get away .

It's hopeless. I'm screaming hysterically now.

"Sally! Sally!"

I can't stop screaming. The fear takes over.


"Sally snap out of it !" Damon nudges me and shakes me. "What the fuck are you dreaming about?!"

I scream once again then look around the room shooting through to bits. My eyes landed on Damon who looked even more terrified than me. Once I realised we were safe and that it was just a dream I jumped on Damon and hugged him tight. "Sally are you ok?" He held me in his arms, rubbing my back while I sat on top of him.

"Just a bad dream. I'm glad you're here, " I pulled away and placed my hands on his face checking to see I wasn't still dreaming "You're all okay Damon " I sighed in relief- but I was still scared.

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