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I lay my head down on my pillow and curl up in to a ball. Noels things are still in my bedroom , I even spot the t-shirt he slept in on the other side of the bed. I'm trying to find some comfort in anything right now.

I grabbed the shirt and hugged it, taking in the scent . It still smells like him very much and it isn't a bad smell. Noel was always there to comfort me even it it meant feeding me total bullshit for my own good.

I started thinking about Ally's confession. Was she really telling the truth? She doesn't have a reason to lie.

I push my least important thoughts to the back of my head and search through my stuff , leaving Noels shirt on the side, to find my stash.

These are all my college savings, £5000 . I could cry thinking about giving this money away. But Peggy needs it right now. I can put college off for another year. Get a job, work for a year and I'll have the money back in no time.

I hear the door to my bedroom open and before I know it Noels stood behind me. I get up from the floor and stick the envelope in my pocket.

" I've come for me stuff" he says eyeing me up and down " what you doing?"

I put the box back in my wardrobe and stare at his bruised eye. My eyes glow up, in a bad way. I shut them to stop the tears. Their father really is a scum on the earth.

He scratches his head and looks down at the floor before making eye contact with me again.

" You know dont ya? Mam told ya"

I nodd my head, swallowing my spit to try get rid of the lump forming in my throat.

" Come here." He opens up his arms.

I go in for the hug and hug him tight before letting go.

" Don't go there again." I warn him.

" Mam needed money" he says tired .

" I know."

" But I guess I can't go back"

" No you cant" I agree with him.

He gives me a look before starting to pack his things.

I watch him throw his belongings in the suitcase with no greater care. Typical man. A typical Gallagher.

I admire the man he is, the man Liams becoming too. Peggy puts herself down but she really did a great job. While they are absolute twats majority of the time, I still manage to see the good in them.

" I think I might stay at home tonight, ya know.. Alone" I confess.

I need some time on my own to rethink anything that ever happened to me. Especially Liam and Ally.

" Why ? You and our kids only just made up. Ssup with you Sal?" He walks over to take the last t-shirt from the bed.

" Wait can you leave that 'ere? I'll need sumat to comfort myself with "

He throws the t-shirt on the bed without any questions about it and goes back over to his suitcase to zip it.

" Thanks."

" So whats wrong then?" He asks again.

I wonder whether to tell him the truth but in the end I just tell him everything. About my uncle taking money from my parents and about Ally and Liam.

Noel bursts out in to laughter.

" I dont get whats funny?" I stare at him dumbfounded.

" She's a right sort" he shakes his head and slowly stops laughing "I was there last year for that little camp you's had"

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