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Liams pov :

" Stop fucking speeding you cunt! I want to get to her in one piece!"

Noel was really doing my heading. Taking every corner like a maniac. I'm never the one to tell him off for it but he was getting ahead of himself .

" Sorry "

He changed down to fourth gear and ran his hand through his mop of hair.

" Come on brother chill out a bit"

" Is that my little brother telling me .. ME to chill out. I thought you'd be more bothered than this. It's usually me telling you to give up "

" I think she's okay you know? If she wasn't she would have called or something. D'ya know what I mean?"

" I suppose. He could be holding her hostage or something "

I thought about it - he was right. Sallys uncle was capable of a lot of things.

" I don't understand why she went in the first place. It thrashes my head you know ?"

" She needed to get away from you "

"Thanks for reminding me."

We went silent for a few moments.

" I have something to tell you" He broke the tension.

" go on"

" You'll not like it"

" Yea? Go on then . Knock about"

" We kissed. Me and Sally"

If it wasn't for the fact he was driving me to get to her , I would have probably knocked him out there and then.

" You fucking what sorry?"

" It wasn't like that so don't even start"

" Then how fucking was it ey?"

" You've got a shed head, you need to promise this will not go out to anyone."

" What are you on about"

" I may have cried a little. There ya go, have something to laugh about you moron"

I knew he was being deadly serious because his usual sarcastic tone wasn't present in his voice. What the fuck? Noel has feelings?

" What's that got to do with you kissing Sally?"

" She sat there and we held Each other. It was nothing but a friendly kiss. I would never view Sally in that way kid."

" Well you better fucking not " I said pointing at him. " She's mine" my pointing finger landed on my chest this time.

" I know."

I decided to let the whole- heat of the moment - kiss thing go because I couldn't be arsed with it. Everything around me was shit and I just wanted to get her back.

Nothing was the same while she's been gone.  I felt myself sink lower and in to a hole I couldn't get out of. It's just shit init? Every day life without the one you love? And knowing you're the one that fucked up. I heard so many stories about other relationships ending up like mine and still I took no caution, I didn't care enough for mine to not end like it. Or did I? I knew I was sorry from the start. I don't know why I did it. I hurt myself-while hurting her. It's a mystery never to be solved.

" What are you thinking about? You have that stupid look on your face. Like you're in a music video or summat"

I rolled my eyes.

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