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Okay I'm so shit at updating and writing. I passed my English just fine and writing stories was my favourite bit about the exams but now I feel like I have 0 ideas and no one's reading😂. I really feel like this story is shit and I'm not sure if I should continue . But someone let me know if they want me to because that's the only thing that's truelly going to make me do it and come up with ideas.

"This isn't a joke anymore Sally, your dad worked hard to save up for a good course for you." My mum raged as I told her the truth about where my savings went.

Just my luck for her to try and put more in to my stash when I wasn't looking. I can only imagine the horror on her face when she realised that almost all of it was gone.

She is 100% right. My father works long hours 6 days a week, being a social worker can't be easy. He always pays the bills and other important things and my mother pays for the car insurance,food and all the things we want but don't need. She works in an office typing away Monday to Friday, nevertheless they both work hard.

"Mam what on gods earth was I supposed to do ey? Peggy looked like a walking zombie "

" But that's Peggys problem now isn't it?" My dad butted in, kicking off his shoes as he threw himself on the sofa. " It's been a long time away and I just can't be bothered with this shit."

" She made sure I was alright and put food on her table for me while you were gone ! Maybe if you didn't give any money to my uncle you would have been able to help her yourself!"

My father's eyes widened "what we do with our money is none of your business Sally! It's not our business if Peggy is struggling or Not!"

" Stop that!" My mother raised her voice " Peggy is a good friend of mine, If she needed help we should have helped her!"

" Oh Don't give me none of that ! How could she have ever gave you any of the money back?" My dad shot her an ironic look.

" Do we really need any money from her?!" My mum looked at him in disbelief.

" I just wanted to help... you help people every day dad" I look at him helplessly.

Him and my mother exchanged a look.

" I know Sally." My dad smiles softly, realising I only had good intentions.

" I don't need money for the next few years while I'm at college anyway. I'm going to uni in like 3 years."

I know this won't work with my father. We all know no one can raise money in 3 fucking years. I mean, he just wants a good future for me and I know he means good but to be honest, I don't know if I want to go to university. The whole student finance and moving away isn't something I want to consider either. My father always said that I will take a loan out over his dead grave. I'm stuck at a point where I don't really have much options.

He sighs " Don't worry. You will get the money but it's staying with us. We can't trust you."

" What?" Me and my mother both spit out at the same time.

" Fair enough about the money Jack.. But we can trust her."

He snorts and rolls his eyes. Pulling a cigarette out and throwing his feet up on the table. " Please."

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