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Another day passed and I was starting to feel weird. I learnt to live without Liam and although I missed him I knew I could live without him and that's what worried me the most. Could I cope on my own ?

I saw Damon smoking out in the front garden so I decided to go talk to him. I couldn't keep myself isolated from all humans for much longer, I would go insane.

"Morning" I said walking through his front gate " I'm joining ya". He seemed pleased with that .

"Changed your mind?" He asked while passing me one of his cigarettes out of the box. I took it and pressed it between my lips waiting for him to pass me the lighter. "I'm just bored , don't get too excited"

"How have you been then ?"

"Surprisingly fine" I shrugged and took the lighter from his grip, brushing my hand against his. He smiled and nodded his head. "What about You?"

"I'm fine thanks. Just bored, I miss home"

"Why would you even move here all the way from London?" Damon went on to tell me that he liked the band's that came from this city and around and that he was going to try and become famous himself. He was in to music and could play multiple instruments so I wasn't too shocked at that. "Interesting, good luck".

"Think I'll need it?"

"Or you can just ride on talent , can you sing well ?"

"I'd say so"

"You sound sure of yourself , why don't ya sing for me ?". He looked at me all gone out, I knew he wouldn't do it but it was worth a shot. "I see, you only sing to your self?"

" No but I'm not in the mood to sing"

" Sorry " I didn't know what else to say.

I looked up to see Liam walking over to us. Oh of course he would come now out of all the times. Now that I'm sat with Damon. I'm not prepared for this malarkey.

"Can I talk to you?" He said standing outside the gate .

I sighed and passed Damon a smile "I'll see you about I suppose?" I nodded my head at him in approval.

"Wanna come in?" I pointed my attention to Liam. He shook his head and pointed in a different direction "let's go on a walk".

It was awkward at first and I was honestly waiting for him to say something about me being with Damon but he never did.

" I've done a lot of thinking Sally" he started " did you do fine without me?"

"I've missed you but I've been okay" I said hesitantly - I wasn't sure if that's the answer he would he expecting.

"Good. I guess we know we can live without eachother "

"What's that supposed to mean?" I was scared that was his way of telling me we were over. My heart skipped a beat and I dreaded his answer.

"No but why don't you go to college?"

"Why don't You?" I snapped " I looked through that shitty book and there's nothing there I like. I might just look for a job"

He nodded in agreement " same " .

We walked in silence for a longer while until we found ourselves in town. We walked for ages without even realising. "Do you want to go get a milkshake or summat ? I'll Pay.  I got some money off my mam "

"Not like you to not wanna spend it on weed or booze " I pointed out. It was true because Liam never gave a fuck about spending his money on something normal. He rolled his eyes at me annoyed " You want a milkshake or Not man?"

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