589 17 16

" Wow that's a fuck load of info Sal. It's crazy how much you've been through " Holly said after I explained everything that happened on the phone. She wasn't exactly a person of compassion but she said it like it was.

" You're telling me. My heart hurts " I sighed.

Liam was busy in the corner looking through some records. He wasn't really the one to be in to music at that time but I guessed he tried taking his mind off things. I shot him a look and he smiled before looking back down at the records. Peggy went out over to her friends house, I suppose for the same reason Liam was looking for music.

" It'll be reyt. Noel will get over it you know That"

" Maybe not this time Holly. It wouldn't surprise me if he never spoke to me again"

" He will " she tutted " it's Noel . He's like your best mate "

I didn't get the chance to answer before the door swung open and we heard a sigh and the sound of shoes being thrown in a direction .

" I think that's him now. I need to go I'll call you another time "  I whispered in to the phone.

" No worries. Love you , bye "

" Bye . Love you "

I put the phone down and waited for Noel to walk in to the living room.

" I'm sorry " he said as he walked in and passed me a sunflower, which was obviously done up by a florist.

My heart dropped. How can he be so kind after I said something as horrible as I did. I nearly melted in to the ground but instead I walked over to him and gave him a big hug "Noel I'm sorry too " I said tearing up as we squeezed each other in to a hug.

" let's just forget it happened Okay?"

" Yeah " I was more than happy to hear that.

Liam grinned and walked over to us with a smile " Thank god. I couldn't find a decent thing to play. Your music's a bit shite " Liam directed his comment to Noel.

" should have just played Lennon then you twat ".

" Aye but I didn't "

" Reyt then, Maybe we can all do something together today?" I asked the two of them.

" Footie ?"

" Not in this lifetime "  I rolled my eyes.

" Shall we go see a band play or summat then?" Noel asked .

I looked over at Liam who clearly wasn't impressed by this suggestion. I shrugged my shoulders at him because I wasn't sure if Liam would ever be keen on the idea. Noel rolled his eyes and gave up " Fuck knows then. "

We decided on grabbing a family sized bag of Doritos and munching on them in front of the Tv. That only lasted until the two of them decided to get their old paddling pool out of the shed and lay in it. I watched with terror in my eyes as they both attempted to fit in it.

"Its a good job ya skinny innit?" I said trying to contain a laugh.

" Don't you take the piss out of us at least we're not as warm as you " Noel pointed out. He was right. I don't know what came over me that day , I put a pair of shorts on but decided to pair them up with a long sleeved jumper and a pair of converse " should have gotten ya sandals out " .

I cringed at the word sandals. Like, they just weren't really my thing at the time" I'll pass , these are comfy"

" Babe it's warm as fuck at least kick them off ".

I didn't argue against it. I took them off along with my jumper. I was wearing a t-shirt underneath so it wasn't too bad. The thought of my body wasn't appealing to me anymore. I had a small bit of fat left from my bump and haven't had the chance to burn it off yet. Liam saw it this morning in the shower but I was doing other things (to him) to distract him. I'm sure my belly was the last thing he was thinking about with my mouth around his cock.

" Feel better?"

" Better !" I put my thumbs up and layed down on the grass. Going back to reading my shitty magazine- they always had bullshit written in them but somehow I just couldnt stay away- couldn't stay away from reading about Madonna , or River Phoenix for that matter. I mentally sighed wanting to give myself a slap.

"What are you reading?" I heard Peggy come out of the house to join us outside.

" When did you come back ?" I asked.

"Just now. You bleeding bastards keeping front door unlocked like That, anybody could walk in and steal something "

" And what the gonna steal mam?" Liam pointed out.

She rolled her eyes and waved him off with her hand, making me chuckle.

"What do you all want for dinner anyway? Sals parents aren't back until later Are they?"

" No . I'll have anything thank you "

"Sunday dinner " Liam shouted out.

" Like fuck !" Noel protested "just stick pizza in oven mam it's your day off. Enjoy it "

Peggy nodded her head then looked at me, I nodded back in agreement. I wasn't too fussed on eating anyway.

"Out of curiosity , aren't you going to ask what we're doing in a bastarding paddling pool?"

She looked at them ,was going to say something but didn't, looked away then looked back at them again "No , because you don't shock me any more"

I laughed as she walked off which resulted in me getting a look from the 2 Gallagher brothers.

" Oh and surprise " Peggy exclaimed and pointed at the door.

Paul walked through the back door and in to the garden " Hello you fuckers!"

"PAUL!" I jumped from the grass and ran in for a hug,he spun me around and hugged me tight. He was bigger than the rest of them but he had twice the love in him. "Fucking missed ya you prick.  Where have you been?"

" Where ant I been?" He said jokingly.

"Sorry mate I'd love to come say hello and that but it's too fucking hot to get out of here " Liam shrugged his shoulders.

Noel took the sunglasses off his head and put them over his eyes "Yeah are kid unfourtnetly, priorities "

"What the fucking hell are you both doing?" Paul looked at them with confusion in his eyes. I knew exactly what he was thinking- what a pair of weirdos.

"Trying to cool down" I informed him while rolling my eyes so far to the back of my head.

"Yeah youll tell me owt " he joked making me and Peggy laugh.

"What d'you bring us ?" Liams eyes landed on Paul

"Aaa ya cheeky bastard.  There's time for that "


Authors note :

I've been reading different stories and my writing is truelly wack. I hate it . I sound uneducated but trust me , I'm off to university in September 😂 I'm just shit at putting across what the story is going like in my head. I do apologise 🤙

And sorry for the boring chapter

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