642 19 1

Short chapter to fill in some bits before getting to the main part.

Noels pov:

I took my time coming back home. Passing some old spots and thinking about how many memories this city holds. I'm getting out of here one day. It wasn't easy leaving Sally behind but I knew deep inside that this is what she wanted.

It didn't take me long to realise everybody knew Sally had packed and long gone when I entered the house.

Her parents were in that panicky-where's my kid- mode.

" It's all your fucking fault Liam! If you hadn't done what you did sally would still be here! What buisness do children like you have in having sex anyway ?!" Jack looked beyond pissed and I couldn't blame him.

Liam sat in one of the chairs helplessly which wasn't like him. He just took it all and he looked like he completely lost the will to live and I started feeling bad for the little fucker.

" Noel I swear if you have anything to do with her leaving!" My mother started shouting in his her strong Irish accent.

Sallys mum was so devasted, her eyes were clearly teary but she didn't want to let it show.

" She's left Okay? I took her to the train station" I said throwing my car keys on the table.

Jack turned his eyes to me and I've never seen him as angry . " You . Did . What?" He could barely speak through his teeth." God do any of the people in this house have any fucking common sense ?!"

" Just what do you mean by that ?" My mam nearly jumped out of her skin.

" You're all fucking clueless! Without a fucking dad it's hard to raise idiots like your boys! No wonder they are the way they are. They have been turning my Sally into this rebellious child that she is not !"

Liam didn't even flinch. He was so careless that it began to worry me.

" Don't fucking speak to my mam like That!" I got closer to him.

" What the fuck are you going to do ?!" He got in my face.

My mam pulled me away and Sallys mum tugged on Jack's coat.

" Jack stop it! We're all emotional right now ! Don't do anything fucking stupid !" Her voice was shaking now.

" He isn't!" Jack pointed a finger at Liam but Liam just stared at the ceiling. Is that kid dead?


He sighed. " I'm sorry Peggy.  I just don't understand why she'd want to leave "

" To find herself " I simply answered-as close to the truth as I could.

" Where did she go?" Mam looked at me and by the look in her eyes I knew I'd get an earache later on once we were left alone.

"She didn't say "

" You better not be lying"

" When do I lie mam?"

She cocked an eyebrow and pulled the really bitch face.

" I'm not lying " I defended myself.


Liams pov:

A month had passed . I couldn't eat , sleep, shower or even fucking move. Noel was so done with my shit that he move in to Paul's room. He said I was "taking up his space" . Better for me I can just lay there and think. Let the pain eat me alive because I deserved it. I deserved everything bad for what I did. My heart felt like it was ripped apart.

Everyone had already found out where Sally was but they didn't want to tell me and Noel, so that we wouldn't look. Until she said it was okay for us to know- which wasnt now. It ate me alive . The fact that she hated me so much , she didn't even want me to know anything about her life now.

I missed my best friend. I missed everything about her - as a friend and as a lover. I knew I would never meet anyone like Sally again.

The nights were the worst , when I knew she should be by my side so I could hold her. So that she could hold me. The room felt so fucking cold yet so crowded because of the weight I was carrying on my shoulders- on my heart. For what I knew , this pain was never going away. The salty taste of my tears didn't even bother me anymore , nor did the puffy red face from all the crying.  I couldn't even be arsed to drink away my problems. No one had ever left me like that before, with no remorse or hope for our future.


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