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The next 3 weeks were boring. I had long forgotten about the girl Liam cheated on me with.  Summer was over and Noel managed to get the job, I couldn't say the same about Liam because he wasn't even looking for one. Me on the other hand, I found a job at a pub working behind the bar - to my surprise Damon worked there too. We spent the past few shifts getting to know eachother more and creating a Bond.  It felt like I would be stuck with him forever. I could tell Liam wasn't too keen on it but he had to bite his tongue . This whole freedom thing was his idea . That , and I wasn't doing anything wrong. Except from Maybe getting hired there in the first place When i was underage.

"Anyway me and a couple of my mates are going to chill for a bit and have a drink once the shift is over. You wanna come with ?"

It was a Saturday night which meant all the club's would be open aswell.

"You made friends already I see " I wiggled my eyebrows at Damon, trying to hit a nerve.

"Had to do something while you was rejecting my offer " he joked and threw one of the ice cubes at me.

"Hey fuck off!" I gave him a slap on the back of his head and a glare.

"Don't start hitting me, you might turn me on "

I brushed off his comment and went back to serving customers. I didn't know whether I should go or not. Our shift finished at 2 am and I knew I'd be dying to know what Liam was doing. In the end I decided on going with Damon and his friends because Liam would either be with Noel or asleep.

"This is Sally, Sally this is Alex and Graham " Damon introduced us and I quickly learnt that his new friends were just as charming.

1 hour ,3 drinks and 5 shots later my body started dying down on me. "I think I'm going to go home now " I confessed even though I knew I would sound boring.

Graham and Alex disappeared on us five minutes prior to that so Damon wasn't too impressed about me wanting to leave already " Oh come on , I don't want to go yet "

"Then don't "

He raised an eyebrow " I'm not staying on my own like an idiot, what am I supposed to do ? Plus you cant walk home on your own"

"I'll get a taxi "

"Even worse! Not on your own. There's way too many wrong ones about at this time . Never trust a taxi driver pal "

"Urgh Damon " I didn't want to get persuaded in to it . I knew my body would collapse if I didn't leave now.

He sighed and looked around then passed me something small "Here take this. It will sort you out "  . I looked down and noticed he had passed me an exctacy pill . Just fucking do it. I took it from him and swallowed the pill without thinking twice.  My drunken mind was making decisions for me. He seemed shocked but happy with it. We ordered a few more drinks and decided to go to a club after, thankfully he knew the bouncer on the door so I was able to get in without a problem. We spent about half an hour dancing like right degenerates but it was fun . I was rushing like there's no tommorow.

"Don't I feel left out " I looked around at all the girls in their short dresses and high heels . I was in a pair of vans ,black jeans and a crop top , the only thing my job allowed me to wear. Damon didn't look so bad, he was wearing black jeans, a black pair of Adidas trainers and his Fred Perry polo. He didn't really stand out , unlike me.

"Oh shut up. You're still the fittest bird in here " . It was clearly the booze and pills talking. Even though sober Damon would say this too.  "Can you see Graham and Alex anywhere?"

I could barely hear Damon through the music but I heard him say Graham and Alex so I looked around the club to see if they were around. Unfourtnetly they were not. I shook my head at him. At this point the pill had started kicking in and I felt a sudden rush of energy and intense feelings all at once. I felt too happy to be alive.

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