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"How have your parents reacted to your results then beautiful?" Liam asked me while pulling his clean shirt on. We just took the longest shower together obviously fucking a couple of times in the process.

" Not too bad , my dad said I could have done better but he says he's proud anyway". I shrugged my shoulder and jumped in Liams bed after putting on a fresh pair of knickers and one of Liams t shirts.

"My mum's still buzzing about the 4 I got, as long as I've got mi maths and English were buzzing " .

I can tell he's proud of himself. I'm proud of myself for making him go back to school after I convinced the head teacher Liam would try his best. I told him to get his act together and not to embarrass me, I guess he listened. But I knew he could do it.

" Its weird init? We're 16 and one piece of paper decided on what happens next" he started again.

" Not exactly " I looked him up an down. He was stood facing the mirror brushing through his short hair. " I mean, it's a few tests we did condensed In to one piece of paper"

" Without it we can't do anything though" he argued.

"  I guess not"

He jumped in to bed and got himself comfortable next to me. I lifted my head up and moved my hair so that Liam could put his arm under it and I rested my head on his chest.

" At last. It's like the old times , some piece and quiet" he said taking in the scent of my hair " did you use that blueberry shampoo again?"

" Yeah why?"

" I like how it smells"

" So do I to be honest babe , reminds me of that one time we went blue berry picking for your mum and you thought it would be a good idea to throw them at me and have a fight instead"

Liam laughed " Yeah she didn't like that did she? She wunt talk to me for like a week man"

" Are You even surprised?"

" No, it was funny though."

We both laughed. I honestly can't remember the last time me and Liam had any time to spend in his room without Noel. Just like the old times , we were making jokes and talking about the old times while Noel fucked off to Paul's room.

" What do you think to Holly and Brandon Then?" Liam randomly asked.

" I'm not sure what to think. I mean... I feel sorry for them both." I said honestly.

He just giggled to himself and I didn't have to look to know he had that stupid smirk on his face.

" I can't get over it me man" he stated as though it was something out of the ordinary.

"Liam everyone has kids "

" Not everybody " he pointed out , meaning us and a few other mates.

" You know what I meant. It's only natural"

" But at 16? She shoulda been on pill or summat "

" He could have put a condom on " I argued. I don't understand why men think it's just down to women to protect themselves.

" Don't feel the same"

" Not exactly but you get the gist "

" I just think I would die if you were to be pregnant now "

I tutted " Thanks "

" Fucking hell sorry Sal I just think 16 is a bit young. Like I'd still love ya without a doubt but I'd deffo wanna do a runner "

" My parents would kill me and then you for fucking off " I confessed honestly.

I can't even imagine being pregnant at this age. All that responsibility without even having a life first. The more I thought about it the more I wanted to cringe.

" Wouldn't they kill me if I didn't do a runner?"

"Not sure"

" I'm pretty sure they would Sal" he said raising an eyebrow and we both laughed.

" Yeah they'd fucking kill ya" I admitted .


Liams pov:

I woke up first the next day without a care in the world. Not a single worry or a problem. I loved waking up by Sallys side, it gave me butterflies. Even though I'm the God really, I still thank the possibility of a God each time I get to wake up to her.

There's so much of her when she's awake, she's everything. Shes the reason I make the decisions I do. She's why I cry, laugh, love and even the main reason for why I'm alive. If it wasn't for her through all these shitty years I would have been a bigger cunt than I already am. If that's possible.

But when she's asleep... it's just pure innocence. Everything feels quiet but loud at the same time .

Sallys pov :

I felt finger tips on the side of my arm so I flickered my eyes and batted my eyelashes trying to wake myself up.

" Good morning Sal". A huge grin grew on Liams face.

" Good morning what made you so happy?" I said moving in closer to him and pecking his lips.

" You." He made me blush .

"I love you "

" I love you too " he smiled then got out of bed reaching for me to grab his hand "come on its a nice day there's loads to do . Let's not waste a beautiful day"

I didn't like the idea of waking up and getting straight out of bed but I figured Liam was excited to do something since the weather was nice so I gave in and let him pull me out of bed without hesitation.

" What do you want to do?"

" Mams not in so I'll make breakfast, we can share a joint with Noel and fuck off out to play some football and that" he said pulling up his trousers "I'll invite Nick, Jamie and that"

" Football" I furrowed my eyebrows. I was shit at football and I wasn't too interested in it.

" Stop moaning. Bring a Mate"

" You and Noel are my mates" I said sarcastically.

" Shut up you can ring Holly" he stopped then burst out in to laughter "never mind " he laughed remembering she was pregnant.

" That isn't a bad idea". I shut him up."I'm sure holly would love to do something. Can't imagine anyone else being there for her . I'll ask Brandon to come too."

"What?" He stopped spraying himself and looked at me all gone out " babe Why?" He complained like a 10 year old boy.

" Since when don't you like Brandon?"

" He's having a baby , I can't cope with all that depression. He'll be on about it man . And by the way, I can just ask Jamie to bring Maria "

" No he won't. I'm inviting them and that's final. And Maria's got a job for the summer you dick."

" ok Mum".

I rolled my eyes and went for the  phone. Holly seemed really taken a back. She told me that none of her close mates have really bothered with her and Brandon so she was more than happy to get out of the house.

Liam sat on his bed with a face like a slapped arse. I sighed and sat down beside him resting my head on his shoulder. " It will be fine. She sounds quite happy ya know?"

" You're a dick Sal" he joked then put his arm around me " We should have stayed in bed."

I looked up  grinning " Come on. Let's not waste a beautiful day " I mocked him .

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