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Liams pov:

" Come on you can't be serious, not this again " Nick almost choked on his drink when Jamie let another one go. I wasn't sure how long he has been doing this for but I knew I could smell summat off.

" Give up you dirty fucker" I laughed and chugged down my pint.

This was nice, spending time with my mates like we used to. I'm glad Sally persuaded me in to letting Brandon come. Well she made me. But still, it was nice.

"That birds staring at you" Brandon pointed out and nodded his head towards a Blondie girl in the corner.

She looked so different to Sally. Her face was covered in make up, her eyelashes weren't real and she looked a lot more mature. She was good looking but she had nothing on Sally. She was the kind of girl boys dream about or find in the innocent porn section . Where the girls are "innocent" but they are really not. You understand.

I looked her up and down. She wore a short ,grunge-black dress with daisies on it and you could see her tits perking through it. Why can't Sally dress like this?

" So What?" I said shrugging it off and thinking about what I had at home.

"You tell us" Nick giggled stupidly "she clearly wants you. She could fly the fuck away with how much she's battering them eyelashes at you mate. I'm telling ya" he nodded his head as if to suggest he was 100% correct about his hypothesis.

I furrowed my eyebrows at them all.

"At least talk to her. See what it's all about " Brandon shrugged.

" Why don't you ?" I defended myself not realising Jamie had pointed for her to come over.

" because she wants you not me"

" Easy for you to say . You're not in my situation and if you was you wouldn't do it to Holly.  D'you know what I mean ? I can't do that to Sally"

Brandon rolled his eyes.

" It's only a lil chat" Nick pointed out.

" It's just a bad idea "

" What's a bad idea?" I heard a girly yet husky voice. She kind of sounded like Bonnie Tyler. Like she drunk or smoked too much. But there was that sweet and hot as fuck vibe to it.

My face heated up with anger and I windened my eyes at all my stupid mates. I mouthed "cunts" then spun around to face her.

By the Christ she was even more beautiful up close.

They started getting up from their stools and taking their jackets in their hands. " We'll see ya in a bit mate".

"Oh you will , you will" I answered sarcastically pointing my finger at them and laughing sarcastically .

And just like that the 3 idiots were gone. Dumbass, dumb-cunt and cunt-baby-daddy.

" What's your name?" I looked at the girl. I didn't have to be nervous or shy because I knew I had it all but at the same time I didn't want to come across as interested.

"Sally. Sally Bintcliffe .What's yours?"

Oh would you look at that.  Small fucking world.

" Great. Just great " I talked to myself and at this point I realised I was showing myself up.

" huh?"

" Sorry I'm Liam"

"Nice to meet you" she smiled and bit her lip. I didn't know what the fuck was happening but it didn't feel right even though she was turning me on just by doing sweet fuck all.

" Look" she continued "I'm 17 going on 18 . You look a year or 2 younger than me. Are you?"

"I'm 16. What's all this about anyway? Why'd you come up to me and that ?"

" I just think you're very fucking fit"

Just like that ? Ok. No girls ever been this upfront with me before and it was making me feel all types of weird. I didn't know if it was because she was older.

"Right, you're good looking too" I half smiled while guilt ran through my body.

" Well do you wanna sit down and have a drink together?"



Sallys pov:

After Noel played a couple of his songs he put down his guitar and looked at me as though to say "what do you think?"

I smiled at him and nodded my head.

" yeah? " he asked.

" Deffo stop doubting yourself . Ya know your songs are good and that you play that guitar to your best ability I guess "

" What?! To my best ability " he almost choked on air "Sally!" He moaned like a dying cat .

"Yeah it's pretty shit you could work on It"

I stuck my tounge out and he realised I was joking .

" You fucker " he laughed then got up from his bed and ran towards me tackling me down . I could barely breathe from all the laughing when he was tickling me and I was way too weak to push him off "Say sorry!"

" No!" I managed to yell out " get off."

I had tears in my eyes from the laughing and pretty much felt helpless. He held my arms above my head on the floor and gave me another chance. " What's it going to be then ?"


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