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3 weeks had passed. Noel took me in and it brought up suspicion from Liams part. He didn't get why I was suddenly around and not speaking to Damon. I told him it was because we fell out when he told me he was fucking someone I didn't like.

"Guys sit down you won't fucking believe it!" Liam charged in, slamming the door . He paced around the room like a chicken without it's head.

Me and Noel looked at one another confused. We did as Liam asked and sat down. "What ?"

"So I was out with me mate just driving around and that , we drove past this shop and I saw all these mega fucking engagement rings,Yeah?" He nodded his head with a grin.

Uh oh.

"Yeah?" Noel didn't seem too phased. He knew it was probably one of the many ideas his brother comes up with. I however knew, that this was going to be a stab to the heart.

"I think I'm gonna ask Patsy "

Noel raised his thick eyebrow then looked at me to study my reaction but I wasn't giving him any. He looked back at Liam," Are you out of your mind you little idiot ?"

"Why you saying that for?"

"She's a fucking nutter Liam. Can't believe I'm even saying This as your brother but you can do better"

Liam shot his head back "eh? Why would you say that?"

Noel looked at me again. I sighed and hid my face in my hands. Hiding this from Liam for 3 weeks was disastrous. He's too nosey and questions too many things. Noel stubbed his cigarette out and swallowed his spit. "Dunno".

Liam wasn't taking that for answer ,"you 2 have been acting fucking weird since that party so just fucking tell me what's eating away at you both cos you're doing my fucking heading now, set of fucking mugs"

I dirty looked him and tutted,"who do you think you're talking to Li? You're litreally informing us you want to marry Patsy reyt infront of me and acting like it's nothing. Its obviously going to upset me so how dare you even call me names? Ask your little girlfriend what she did!" I couldn't take it any longer. He triggered me.

Liam shot up from the sofa and clapped his hands together "HA! Fucking knew it! I've just made this bullshit story up cos I knew something was not even a little bit right, d'ya know what I mean ? Stupid. Knobheads " he pointed to his head "I'm not daft ".

Noel rolled his eyes,"Grow up"

"No man you grow up and just fucking tell me truth ! "

Noel raised his voice "aye fine! She's cheated on ya with Damon. Me and Sal walked in on them then Sally slapped him and said she's moving out . Happy?"

Liam stared at us both with big eyes. J could feel the tension growing and my heart was in my throat. This was not going to be nice at all. I was scared of how he might react. Noel just threw his hands in the air hopelessly , shook his head and walked off.

"Li?" I tried to get a reaction out of him. He just looked shocked.

"Grass is greener over here"


He chuckled "Well I wouldn't like to be you right now man, I'm livid with ya! Why didn't you tell me Sal! Jesus fucking Christ! "

I didn't know what to tell him but I settled for the truth ," I just didn't want to hurt your feelings!" . He rolled his eyes and walked off and slammed the door behind him.

Well great.

5 hours passed, me and Noel killed the rest of the day playing and singing in his living room. It was sort of therauptic but it got boring in the end so we settled for TV.

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