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Liam wouldn't talk to me for the rest of the week. I didn't bother checking up on him because I didn't want to make him mad. He would come to me in his own time. Peggy and Noel came down to see how I was and told me Liam didn't do much apart from eat, sleep and shower- apparently he looked like he was doing a lot of thinking.

I did my best to try and avoid Damon in that time but I knew I would bump in to him eventually. As I was taking out rubbish, he was busying himself in the front garden " fancy seeing you here mate, you avoiding me ?"

I glared at him. I wasn't in the mood for Damon- infact I wasn't in the mood for anything at all. I just wanted Liam around again.

" Oh I see. The silent treatment" he smirked and went back to doing his own thing. Well that was easier than I thought. Just as I thought I was let off easy And turned to walk away he decided to speak up again "You know, I didn't do anything wrong. I only told you the truth. You kissed me back "

"And what ? You want the whole neighbourhood to hear?" I said annoyed. Damon looked around and snorted " Oh come on , there's no body about. Stop being so sensitive". I see he wants to act like a dick again.

"Damon I'm not in the fucking mood for you oreyt ? I did a stupid thing when I let you kiss me, yeah maybe you was right about the whole college thing. But , I don't give a fuck. If I want to be around Liam then I will be"

"Doesn't look like he's been around much" Damon stood up and approached me " has he?"

"You're going to be my neighbour for a while so I suggest we just try forget anything happened and learn to live next to each other- but I don't see us being friends " I confessed. Damon was a nice guy but he could be a real dick at times and I've only had problems because of him. Well I'm partly to blame - but still.

He didn't look too happy when I said that. The smug smile dissapeard from his face " I'm sorry, let's just leave it at that ok? Maybe we can stay mates if I just don't intervene in your personal life ?"

I thought about what he said. He wasn't so bad but it was definitely going to be difficult gaining Liams trust if I was going to stay friends with Damon.

"I'll think about it" I went back inside without giving Damon another chance to speak.

My mum and dad smiled when they saw me walk in. It was a Sunday so the two of them had a day off.

"We have something for you " my dad said patting the empty seat next to him "come here"

I sat down next to my dad. My mum was in her own place reading a book but when she saw me paying attention she put the book away.

"We thought about the root of the problem and we picked up a college book for you " My mum started "now this doesn't mean you have to go, we just want you to think about it "

Oh fucking great. I wished I stopped to think and never got them involved in my life. They know way too much now and have a certain opinion about how unfair Liam is being- considering the fact he cheated on me first and did way worse than I did.

I faked a smile and nodded my head "right I'll look through it". I knew that was a lie but I had to tell them something so they wouldn't think I'm a total fucking spaz.

"Liam spoke to you yet ?" My dad asked. 

"No . But I've just seen Damon"

"What did he say?" My mum raised an eyebrow, putting her reading glasses back on.

"He said sorry and hopes to be mates again or summat but I'm not doing that for now cos-"

"Oh not for now" my mum cut me off"you need to give Liam time to cool off , If you go parading with Damon he's never gonna think you're sorry "

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