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" Are you awake?" Liam kissed my cheek and then my shoulder, sending shivers down my spine.

I twisted my body to face him , not believing we managed to stay in the same position all night "Not any more I'm not "

That caused him to smile. I always loved the way the sun reflected from his eyes on a morning. I would gaze at them forever and a day if I could.

"I have absolutely nothing planned for the day madame, so I'm all yours"

I giggled because I knew he was trying to make me laugh. I haven't shared a moment like this with Liam in a very long time. It was special and it was definitely needed.

" Have you ever got anything planned though " I rolled my eyes.

" Of course I do. I shower, I get dressed , eat me food and talk to mam and Noel. Don't get me started on the effort I have to put in to you "

I punched his arm and laughed-

" Fuck you Gallagher!"

"Give me 2 weeks and 5 days then I'm all yours to fuck baby "

I rolled my eyes and sat up. As if he's counting down the days.

I would be lying if I said I missed the arguments and constant drama. In all fairness I couldnt be arsed with it. I was glad things were falling in to place.

Me and Liam decided to shower together. I wasn't a receiver that day but I sure as fuck was a giver.  I wasn't going to skip out on making him feel better. After That we got ready for the day and went to see Peggy.

"What have you done to Noel my sweet child ey? He's been up in that room singing and playing all sorts of shite , none stop "

I sighed and looked at Liam in hope that he would be able to explain.

Liam sat down on the kitchen table and started picking at something Peggy made " Ar nevermind that mam we just had a bit of a fight with the new boy and Sal pied us for him"

" Whatever did that blonde lad do to you two " she asked while pouring hot water from the kettle in to 3 cups.

"Getting cocky"

" It wasn't completely like that though was it? He was trying to make a joke and they went off on one so.. next thing you know they held him down and beat the shit out of him"

" Aye you see Everyones emotions were running high and they are bound to at a time like This." She was referring to everything that happened.  From Liam cheating to me getting an abortion.

" I suppose" I agreed

" She didn't have to go spend the day with him " Liam moaned.

" She can do whatever she likes, she was probably trying to make things right after you 2 messed them up, right Sally?"

"110 percent "

" Oh shut up man" Liam jumped off the table and put his arm around my waist instead " What we doing then?"

Peggy gave us a look and passed us our cuppas" Maybe talk to Noel first"

" Prolly a bad idea to be honest mum. Doubt he'll want to speak to her"

That raised concern in me. Was Noel really that pissed off ?

" Why?"

" Sally I don't know man he said something about him always being loyal to you even when ya wrong and you betrayed his trust."

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