Author's Note

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Hello, lovely reader!

Welcome, and thank you for being here! It has been a long time coming, but I FINALLY am taking the time to give Mistpelt the time to shine! 

WARNING BEFORE I SAY ANYTHING ELSE: If you have NOT read my Warrior Cats fanfiction series - Kittypet Clanborn - I STRONGLY recommend that you read that first, as it definitely adds a bit more substance! However, it honestly could be vice versa if you decide to read this first, haha!

But anyway, Mistpelt was basically a side character with some pretty strong moments in my fanfiction series, and she is the mother of the main protagonist of the series - Lilypetal. These strong moments of hers in the series imply QUITE the past for her, and I decided a long time ago that I really wanted to tell her full story in the form of a super edition.

My GOODNESS, has this book had quite the journey. I actually started writing this book YEARS ago when I was probably twelve years old? I think I was in the middle of writing Warriors #2: Warrior Rising, when I decided that it would be a good idea. But my GOSH, was the book so bad. It was poorly written, rushed, and just... dumb. Any of you all that actually got to read that "original" edition would understand that I'm not even trying to be self-deprecating when I say those things about it.

But after all of these years, I want to correct my mistakes and tell Mistpelt's story in the way that queen deserves, and I REALLY hope that you all will enjoy it!

- @warriorcatlover345

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