Live and Band time-i mean Live and Let Die-

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Miloh's POV

Dear Diary,
I remember those years ago when i was still in Bandset Girls'. I found out today that when i went,i wasn't the only one.

I withdrew my umbrella and shook it as dry as i could,and tiptoed towards the Band room. I had chosen the path which lead from the canteen,and a few metres away from that were some CCA Boards. I walked there as silently as possible,and dropped my umbrella and clapped a hand over my mouth to smother just in time the shriek that would have come.

"Xuan!!"i gasped. "Yang,Rathi!!! What are y'all still doing here,aren't you taking the day off today?!" My heart was thumping like the time i went on a blind date with Clarice(ohh how can anyone forget?) Xuan gave a loud,donkey-sounding scream and clapped her hand to her mouth as well. Yang glared at me and put her finger on her lips. "Hussshhh!!!!!"she said. "We're way too attached to Band to fully leave it. Now shut up or you'll give us away!!" This sounded intriguing. What were they doing? Why didn't they just walk-no,swagger in like they usually did? I remembered vaguely many years ago,Yokie telling me a story of how 3 people managed to sneak into the Band room without being caught by Ms Siew. Were these people...them?

"We're trying out this spy thingy we did last time,"said Rathi,giving themselves away of course. "This is what Xuan calls,James Bonding into the Band room." I sniggered at the stupid title. "Shut up man!"warned Xuan. "We did this last time and we're gonna do it again. Don't ya dare make us lose ourselves or we'll shoot YOU first with the gun!!" She pointed her fake 'gun' (the kind you can make shadow puppets with your hands)at me threateningly. Being at the end of a gun may not be all that scary,especially if it's coming from Xuan.

I decided they wanted to do this because i could hear slight band music,and Diya was conducting 007. Xuan,Yang and Rathi peeked out from behind the wall cautiously,and i had the sudden temptation to laugh because it was like watching a real live cartoon,like Tom and Jerry or something. Only now it was Xuan,Yang and Rathi.

They moved their bodies slowly away from the wall,and scrambled back when the door creaked open. "It's just a junior guys,"whispered Rathi. Xuan puffed her cheeks out in relief. I myself could feel my heart pumping with excitement. Sadly,Rathi had to leave because she had things to mark,so Yang,Xuan and i stayed behind. I decided this was worth being a part of,and felt a pang of nostalgia when i remembered the good times when we slipped into Ed Eew's office or had toilet meetings.

Yang's junior came out shortly,and stopped and stared when she saw us. A bright smile spread on her face as she saw her favourite seniors peeking out from behind the wall. She ran up to us and tried pulling Yang back,but Yang managed to hold back. "Come back!! I told Lynn(eupho senior)that you came back. I saw you just now."she said breathlessly. Yang shook her head vigorously. "No no,i'm not going there. I just came cos Xuan needs to see her husband-i mean tuba again." Xuan was squatting on the ground,her hands clenched into the gun so hard they were turning white. "Pleeeaaase don't tell Diya we're here,"she said quickly and breathlessly. I had never seen her so scared and nervous before,i almost felt sorry for her. The junior gave up soon and walked back,warning us she would be back. Xuan was getting more and more scared. She worried that Diya would see them if she walked past the canteen,or went their way. The first student came out of the Band room with her bag,which made us even more nervous because we knew Band had ended,and Diya would come out any second.

Without hesitation,Xuan scrambled to 2 clarinet juniors. "Do you have like,an umbrella or something?"she asked. "I need to cover myself." Yang's and my eyes grew wide when the young girls actually passed her an umbrella. Why?!?!?! We watched as more people came pouring out if the Band room,and our breaths grew more rapid and shorter. My heart was thumping like a bass drum,the strong beat echoing in my ears. Some juniors came to talk to us,luckily ignoring me or i'd be asked awkward questions,chatted with Yang as Xuan hissed out from under the umbrella. Suddenly,they froze. "Ms Diya,"the whispered. "Yang!"said Diya's voice.

I was hiding under the table at Xuan's feet. She ducked behind the umbrella in time,and i was relieved and surprised to see the clarinet juniors pretending to hold the umbrella when really they were shielding us from her view. "Why didn't you come in? Aren't you taking the day off?" We crouched there,anticipating the next move. "She's gone,"whispered the clarinet girls,and we all breathed a sigh of relief and laughed at the memory of Xuan holding the umbrella indoors. "I'm singin' in the rain people!!!"she had screeched silently. ~siighh~the good old days,eh? Who wouldn't want to go back to those wonderful times? Who wouldn't relive the moment for all the laughter you can get?


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