Chapter 25:The Band Gang's Sacrifice

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7 Sept
Dear Diary
So today,me and my Stony Bff purposely walked past Ed Eew talking really loudly about our plan. His eyes lit up and his mouth curled into an evil grin. We highfived when we made sure he was out of the way. (Me and my Stony Bff,not Ed Eew.)
Soon it was about 3.00 and from downstairs in the studio,i could hear that Jo sounded like a duck,Diya's sound was really rough and Xuan couldn't even get her note right and kept making bubbly,rough sounds.
"What's the matter with all you people?!?!?!"i heard Ms Siew,the conductor scream. "Y'all were okay last practice!! Y'all getting lazy?! You have to practise more!! Yes,YOU,Xuan! You're bringing your tuba home! And don't you DARE give me that look!!! You need to practise more or you'll deteriorate!! How to lead the section next year?!?!?"
The scolding got worse and worse,and i couldn't bear to listen anymore. Instead,i tried to distract myself with the numerous mistakes my students had made. My Stony Bff kept looking at me in a pained expression.
Soon,i went down to the studio to have a look. Ms Siew had already kicked Xuan,Yang and Yokie out.
Very quick Author's note: 'kicked out doesn't mean they are not in the Band anymore. They were just asked to practise in a corner by themselves. To anyone who doesn't understand. Thanks.
They winked at me as i walked past and continued pretending to sound horrible. I felt horrible.
"What's going on? This is very disturbing for the teachers upstairs!!"i said,trying to sound demanding. Ms Siew glared at the 3 who were busy trying to 'improve' their sound and apologised to me for making a racket.
"Are these students not putting in effort?"i said,looking at them all judgmental like. "Yeah! They sound bad,and their ATTITUDE IS EVEN WORSE!!!!!"she screamed. Now i know why Xuan and Yang are partially deaf. "Very bad attitude? Well they ought to be taught a lesson!!"i scoffed pompously.
"What if we eliminate them from the Band to cause no further distruction?" Ms Siew looked a little uncomfortable,but nevertheless kept her cool and told me she would consider. This told me thst the plan was progressing.

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