18 August
Dear Diary,
I can't believe this! It felt like just a year ago i joined Bandset Girls'(in the story its supposed to be many many years alrdy so yeh) and met everyone who made my life what it is today. I don't know what else to say but thank you!! Thank you for everything you've done for me and all the trouble we faced together.
Thank you to my Stony Bff,who gave me the bestest friend i could ever have,and show that the world can be harsh and well,stony,and that we should all the more appreciate it.
Thank you to Clarice who gave me the love of my life and a beautiful daughter to celebrate this happy day with. Honestly i still feel embarrassed about the blind date thing at DTF last time but i'm so glad it worked out fine because honestly honey,you don't deserve a man as perfect as meh *flips hair then gets a smack from MSB*
Thank you to Tetra and Rocky for helping the band continue its path of distinctions and high achievements! To have a daughter and BFF's daughter like that really makes me the luckiest man in the world. Continue to spread your innocence and love for band everywhere!!
Last but not least,thank you so much to the Band Gang for making this all possible! You shaped my path,got rid of my enemies and introduced friends into my life the minute i stepped into this school. Thanks for all our crazy adventures,and may there be crazier ones to come. (Just don't ever burn down the science lab.)
Sincerely,and with lots of love
MiLohPs. I can't believe i forgot this person i'm such a git
Thank you to Jian Hway for being a great Math rep in 2K17!! Although you always look exactly like my Stony BFF,you were a rlly great math rep and i hope you have the bestest of luck!*Diya's POV*
Dear phone,
I cannot believe that today was the day where me and the band gang met MiLoh. It has been a whole train wreck since then but at least it was a fun train wreck. I don't think I have changed much since I was a student in Bandset as
1. I still like music and
2. I still as sarcastic as ever.
But at least I am not like Xuan. I also remember when Eew tried to kick us out of school ever since MiLoh met Clarice, which makes me think that MiLoh brought bad luck but eh.. it was fine and now I am teaching his great-great-grandaughter (wait she is his granddaughter only). But this has been long so let me just end off by saying Happy MiLoh Day ☕ AND YOU BETTER DRINK MILO TODAYUntil next time,
MiLoh BSGSSB Adventures
HumorBand,weird students,milo? Things can go a little crazy for me when i start out at a new school,especially because i'm a new teacher. Work just got a little more bonkers because of crazy friends,crazy students,and an even crazier name. Until i met...