19 August
Dear Diary
Gosh! All i hear in school now when people address me is 'Milo packet'! I didn't know the trend would spread so quickly honestly. I have been trying my best to avoid this crazy dude called Mr Eew but he keeps popping out of nowhere. I WAS TAKING A DUMP WHEN HE SUDDENLY SAID HI TO ME?!?!?! Seriously,he needs to respect my privacy,even if i am a milo packet.
Besides Mr Eew,there's also Mr Zag,whom i kinda prefer more to Mr Eew. By aLOTS. He's way(i'm pretty sure a lot more lol) taller than me though so that's something i don't like. Plus he's super weird and can he stop dissing me OMG.
MiLoh packet
MiLoh BSGSSB Adventures
HumorBand,weird students,milo? Things can go a little crazy for me when i start out at a new school,especially because i'm a new teacher. Work just got a little more bonkers because of crazy friends,crazy students,and an even crazier name. Until i met...