Old Memories Part 1

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Year X777

3rd POV ~

"Shi Fu come on show me another skill I can learn it please"! Amu begging on her knees to her dragon Shi Fu .

"Little girl you barely managed to learn the last water nebula I showed you yesterday" he sighs annoyed.

"Yeah , yeah that was yesterday today is a new day . So come on please just how will I become the best dragon slayer if you keep being lazy Shi Fu" she pouts and turns her back to her dragon.

"Who are you calling lazy little girl , AMU!" she turns back to him and giggles in excitement and hugs him.

"Is that a yes"! she says staring up to him questioning him.

Year X780

"I'm so bored maybe I'll go on a mission how about it Kyo ?" Amu says as she has her head on the table in boredom with her exceed Kyo on her head.

"Like girls like you can go on a mission" says a dark blue haired boy popping out his chest while being shirtless.

"Why? Are you concerned for me because you should worry about yourself " she points at his chest and he blushes and grabs his shirt and begins to put it on.

"He sure looks like a pervert" Kyo says flying around him.

"Amu this is Gray Fullbuster are new member ? Isn't he cute?" says gramps as he comes behind Amu and places his hand on her shoulder.

"More like weirdo if I should say" she glares at him and gramps soon begins to laugh.

"Now Amu.. I heard you wanted to go on a mission well here you have it go with Gray" handing her a job from the board.

"With her never"
"With him never" they both say in unison and cross there hands not making contact with each other.

Makarov soon pops a vein on his forehead and yells out "GO NOW OR I'LL CURSE YOU"!

They both scream in terror and run out the guild hall .

As both of them are outside taking in breathes from running they glare at each other with soon Amu taking a sigh.

"So your name is Gray.. Well there's no use in fighting now were teammates. So Gray wanna begin your first job" Amu reaching her hand out to him smiling to him.

"Amu.. Fine" he shakes her hand and both set off on Gray's first job.

Year X779

"Well Erza guess who's a S-class wizard now ?" Amu says as she sticks her tongue out with both Natsu and Gray standing there in amaze.

"No way! Amu at age 14 being one of the youngest s-class wizards out there. I bet I'll become one next year" Natsu says slamming his fist together.

"Hishimi watch out I'll be the next S-class wizard just you watch" Erza marches off in anger and Amu laughs maniacally.

"That's awesome Amu how about it me next year become an S-class wizard?"

"Gray an S-class wizard? No I don't think so how about it Cana you think so?" Amu turns to Cana who's on the other table with her cards flipping them .

"Sure?" she says nervously and sighs .

"Wonder what's wrong with her" Natsu says and soon runs the stairs.

"I guess I'll be going up here now" Amu says as she walks up with both Gray , and Natsu following her.

She turns back and pushes both of them off causing both to tumble on the ground "I don't think so remember only S-class" she says.

They both begin to beg on their knees to ask for entrance to the second floor.

"No S-class when the time comes you will be able to enter!" says Makarov who's standing on the table pointing at both of them.

"Soon" Amu says and heads on upstairs.

Year X782

"I guess I won this year that's 1-2 I guess I'm in the lead now Amu" Erza standing holding out her hand while Amu on the ground and everyone staring at them throwing their money for the loss of Amu.

"Erza you've gotten strong my rival . Until next year I'll make my comeback for sure ." she takes her hand and shakes it firmly.

As she walks off Gray runs up to her and hands her a bottle of water.

"Thanks Gray maybe next year I'll win and get back on track. It doesn't matter we have all the time in the world you know" she smiles kindly to him and he blushes slightly.

"Amu how about it a match" he jumps towards them and plops his hand on both their shoulders.

"Not today Natsu another day" she chuckles .

"Yeah pyro head not today" Gray adding on to annoy him.

"Who you calling Pyro you shirtless freak !" he pushes him and Amu soon begins to grow a vein on her forehead.

"Don't start with me" he begins to raise a fist and throws one to Natsu who dodges and ends up hitting Amu.

The both widen their eyes and shriek in terror "oh crap we're sorry Amu" they back away holding each other and Amu begins to crack her knuckles and begins to giggle.

"Time for punishment" she gives a closed eye smile and slowly walks towards them.

"Aggghh" they both scream.


In love with this song any one else a Persona lover?

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