Day 3

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Amu Pov

"You can do it Erza don't disappoint me"! I scream out as I watch Erza battle the 100 dragons  she slays down. She has guts starting off the day with a big flash. Still I do have faith in her winning this match and slaying all of them down. I wish I had a chance to do something courageous as that but my body on the other hand isn't feeling to good.

"She's about almost complete isn't she? Only about 10 more " Gray says clapping his hands for her.

"I can't watch" Wendy shields her eyes away but I place my hand on her head.

"Wendy trust in her please as a rival who's fought with her over the years she's one not mess with" she bows her head to me.

"I'm sorry I took your place" I hit her back softly.

"You kidding I'm sorry for not kicking his ass better" I fist bump both my fist together.

"Thanks Amu" I nod and as I look up to the giant lacrima and I see Erza is on her last monster.

"Look she's almost done" Natsu says pointing at her. I smile up to her she transforms into her last armor the 'clear heart clothing'.

As she slays the last demon monster it felt as time has just stopped. Time that I never wanted it to end .. everyone who doubted Fairy Tail .. I told you that you'll be sorry.

As the crowd roars with screams of excitement I watch as Erza raises her sword.

"Truly without question the best work Erza has done" I jump off the ledge of the balcony run to her and I begin to see her limp looking as she is about to fall.

I grab her before she falls and I hug her. She looks up to me and smiles at me. I look up to everyone watching and to Fairy Tail.

I hold her close to me and kiss her on the top of her head. My heart fills with joy as I look up to the score board.

"Proud of you Scarlet".
"Don't tell me your going to cry is this a first" I give her an annoyed face and giggle.

"Pfft me cry never.. haven't cried in years and you aren't going to make me" as I look down to her tears falling from her eyes.

"Let's go"
"Gladly" I grab her in a bridal style and take her to the infirmary.

Erza's face soon widens a she begins to blush "Erza don't tell me your embarrassed too" I tease her on.


As the third day came to an end Fairy Tail came victorious throughout the day . With the win of Erza , Cana , Laxus , as well as Wendy. Fairy Tail decides to celebrate and there's no other place but a bar of course.

Everyone heals up bit by bit even Erza.

"Watch this" Gray gets up on a barrel and begins to roll around the bar.

Same goes for Erza who was enjoying herself as well. Everyone's smile fills the air and I couldn't be anymore happy. I look down to my drink can't helping what's going on with Rogue and his guild.

"Thinking of Rogue?" I shierk hearing the voice of Kyo.

"Of course not why would you say that" he glares at me.

"Well maybe the fact that y'all have meet a good few times" a slam my drink on the table.

"Alright , alright you caught me still his bren opening up to me slowly you know"

"Uuh you like him" I turn around and I see Happy , Carla , and Panterlily.

"Child since when did you get into dating"
"The sadistic slayer in love never would have guessed it"

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