Start of something new

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Amu Pov

"They sure got me didn't they" I turn my cheek to Rogue showing my bandage on my face.

"You got to be more careful when dealing with people like that" he says crossing his arms as we walk.

"Well it's all good at least we took them down didn't we" I give a thumbs up with a smile. But as he looks to me he gives me such a disapproval smile.

As we head towards my guild a couple feet away I look to Rogue. "Well great first job I wouldn't have asked for a better partner then you. Sorry you had to walk me over to walk me" I nervously laugh.

"It's fine I don't mind still now I'll know your safe if your here" we stop right in front of the guild.

I look around and no one was around . "what are you doing?" he says questioning me.

I smile to him and I kiss his cheek "how about we meet next week here , since you know I have jobs to finish and all" he smiles to me and nods.

"I'll come by the guild to find you , but for now good bye" he waves his hand to say goodbye.

As I wave back I begin place my hand on the door handle . I feel like I'm missing something..

As I walk on in the guild hall I see a crying mopping Juvia running to me. She begins to crawl towards me and bows to me. First thing I see is her crying great..

"What do you want Juvia and why are you bowing to me?" I become to get annoyed from her.

"Please Amu I hate to say this , but please I know you and Gray are close I need to know what he would like?" I widen my eyes in shock.

"Your kidding me right? Juvia why do you want to know?"

"It's are anniversary are 412th day since we laid eyes on each other. So I wanted to do him something that comes from the heart. As my rival shouldn't you know what he likes?" she begins to smile to me all happily thinking about him.

I slap my hand on my forehead and sigh "fine come on" I head over to a table and I pat the seat. She runs over to me with her puppy eyes.

"Well Gray likes chocolate cake for one thing, he enjoys-"

"How about the things you do with Rogue I heard you two are going out now?Kiss? Make out? or even s-"

"Enough.. you don't need to know that. Juvia just make him something like a scarf I need to talk to master" she begins to glow with happiness.

"Thank you rival! Now I'll be going off" She runs off and I wave.

"Weirdo" I sigh and chuckle a bit.

"How about the things you do with Rogue I heard you two are going out now?Kiss? Make out? or even s-"

I slap my face why am I even imagining that about me and Rogue. It's true we haven't done that last thing she was going to say but-

"Amu your hear please tell about the job" I hear master coming behind me. I begin to panic and I turn around giving off a fake laugh.

"Of course master" I keep on laughing nervously.


"Come on Amu one last drink" Cana says offering me a drink and I refuse it.

"Cana your one crazy lady I think I'm done" I begin to look around and I don't spot Kyo.

"Kyo" I mutter under my breath and I feel someone's hand on my shoulder.

"Amu his long gone , he went home early" says Mirajane and I nod.

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