Guild Introduction

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(A/N) really don't want to put so much detail into this because that's something I have a problem with so going to make many skips throughout the story sorry. Just don't want to bore you with details just get to the main point.... Romance

Amu Pov ~

"Man purple is so lame I rather be wearing my regular clothes" Natsu says in such a whiny tone staring down at are uniform for the grand magic games.

Still the fact we came in 8th place is kinda disappointing . Just who are the other 7 that manage to beat us to the punch.

"I find it rather nice don't you think Amu?" Erza says admiring herself.

I look down to mine almost similar to Erza showing most of my bare skin from the waist under "it's alright but you think other's will be the same?"

"Doubt it we look ridiculo-"
"Hey master did them himself Natsu appreciate it" Lucy says hitting him on the side of his head.

"Yeah pyro it's not that bad" I look down to his outfit and his shirtless as usual and wearing his normal pants will the Fairy Tail guild on his pants.

"Gray your clothes" I place my pointer finger on his chest.

"Oh crap" I giggle from his comment.

"Alright folks you know what time is it. Now it's time to name the eight guilds who made it starting off with number eight" the announcer says and we begin to head over to the arena towards the bottom.

"We ready guys no matter what , we can't lose this. We might be at the bottom but I guarantee you we will be victorious" I raise my hand in the air.

Everyone nods and we head out to the arena . As we come out all eyes glare down to us and we walk towards are platform.

"In eight place we have the wild bunch in Magnolia ready to take first place Fairy Tail!" the announcer says in such a spirited voice. Then we soon begin to hear boos from every corner echoing down to us . People's face of anger ready to throw anything they possess to us.

"Why are they booing" Natsu says and I begin to place my hand onto his shoulder.

"It's alright they don't realize right now who's the best in the business" I give him a closed eye smile.

"For sure" Gray puts his hand in the air and I clap hands with him and begin to wave at the crowd.

"You have this you guys"!
"Don't give up"
"GO Fairy Tail"!

We begin to hear the cheers of are guild giving us hope to win this. I look over and right next to master makarov was none other than ..

"Master Mavis" Erza says letting out a small laugh. I watch as the first master waves her hands towards us.

"H-how is she doing that" Lucy says stuttering amazed at her being there.

"First Master sure knows how to make a appearance" I place my hand onto my waist.

"Alright folks seventh place we have the rowdy bunch QUATRO CEREBRUS!" the next group comes out and this time the crowd begins to cheer at least 3 times more then boos we got.

A group of five guys appear showing off there muscles and waving their hand to the crowd. It's been a while since I've worked with their guild.

"Can't wait to brawl with them" I say while smirking.

"And coming in sixth place the ladies from MERMAID HEAL!"

Guys from the crowd cheers like crazy for them I mean who wouldn't? Still a guild full of ladies this should be good.

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