Hand It Over

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Amu Pov

As both me , and Natsu try to find the last demon gate of Tartaros we both stop for a moment.

"You think it was a great idea to leave everyone behind?" I tell him and he looks to me and places his hands on my shoulder.

"I know it , come on Amu we have a job to finish. As much as I want to know more about Igneel and Shi Fu we can't right now" I nod my head.

"Right let them handle Achnologa" I sigh heavily and soon he wraps his arms around me.

"There back aren't they? After years of waiting they're here" he tells me and I place my hand on head and begin to run my hand through his hair.

"Yes , and I hope it stays this way because Natsu we got lots to share" I give him a smile.

"STOP FLIRTING!" I hear Shi Fu yelling at me.

I look to Natsu who looks shocked as me.

"Did you hear that?" I tell him and he shakes his head.

"Wait! I do I hear Igneel" he changes his mind.

"It seems we can hear are own dragon , but not each other's dragon" he nods .

"Get moving child you Natsu aren't done yet" I look up to him battling Achnologa then glance back to Natsu.

"Let's go!"

1st Pov

As we arrive we both begin to head straight to the last demon.

"We need to get that book , but we can't destroy it" Natsu says dodging the late demon gates attack.

"Right!" We head over to him ready to strike.

"Water Dragon Fury Fist"!
"Fire Dragon Iron Fist"! We both yell but he soon grabs my fist and Natsu's leg.

"You humans disgust me now gone with you two" he pushes me far back.

"Shit! Natsu!" I look over him but he sends him into the ground.

"So this is the beauty of the water dragon slayer , so fierce yet so-"

"BE QUITE! I'm going to take that book!" I yell and I soon run over to him.

"Water Fury Kick" as I go flying ready to kick him he grabs my leg just like how he did with Natsu.

"Wait-" before I could finish he throws my in the tunnel along with Natsu.

As I fall back into the tunnel I prepare for a nasty fall.

"Shiiittt-" as I am about to hit the ground I feel the grasp of someone grab me.

I open my eyes to find me in the hands of "sting?"

He begins to smirk at me "hey Amu" he says giving me a cheeky smile.

"Amu are you alright?" I hear Rogue who's next to Natsu.

"Rogue!" I feel my smile light up I immediately hop off of Sting and run over to Rogue.

I begin to jump on him wrapping my legs around him "what are you doing here?"

"I'm glad your fine and a message was sent out from Erza" I jump off of him .

"Amu! Less flirting more " he points up and I nod.

"Well we're here and ready to back you up" Sting says.

"Right well let's-"

"Hurry up slowpoke we need to hurry!" Natsu yells jumping up to the surface again.

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