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3rd pov

"What! How did this happen"? Amu's ryes soon widen in surprise from what Lucy just said.

"Your kidding me right?" Natsu and Happy both fumed out.

Lucy begins to look down and begins to sit down "right after you both left t-the guild disband. Master left with out a word" she sighs.

"Wait till I see him I'll ripe him into shreds"Natsu says fired up.

"Be quite idiot! And Lucy .. Erza .. Gray what happened to them" she crosses her arms and shakes her head.

"Gone .. All went there separate ways. After you two left it felt as a piece of the guild was missing." she begins to get up and begins to smile out of no where.

"You two must be tired how about we go home for the day?" she begins to change the subject.

"Right , well I'll see you two later me , and Kyo have an apartment to head back to" I look down to him nodding in agreement.

As we wave goodbye I watch as Natsu begins to smile towards her. She must be real hurt inside ..

"You think gramps had a motive to do that?" Kyo says.

"I'm sure of it still .. not being able to be in fairy tail kinda feels.."

"Sad" he says.

"you can say that .. sad" I begin to place my hand on my right shoulder where my guild mark is at.

As I turn enter my apartment the first person I see is-

"Amu great to see you!"

"My landlord" I sigh and I watch as she steps away from my drawer.

"Same as always" Kyo says smiling nervously.

As I look around my room it's exactly how I left it clean , and spotless.

"Guess you kept up with the end of the deal. Now get out of my room so I can have peace" I point towards the door.

"Haha r-right" she says nervously.

Before she left the room I look over to her "thanks old hag" I mutter under my breath.

"Did you say something nice!?" Kyo says shocked and I begin to look away from him.

"Be quite cat!" I hiss towards him.

"Hey right before I leave I didn't know your boyfriend was so handsome, and sweet" I glare towards her.

"Does she mean-"

"Your still not gone?" I interrupt him glaring at her . She soon runs out the door in fear.

Still ..

Did Rogue come by ..? I haven't seen him since last year I wonder how he is? Wonder if his eating healthy?

"Rogue" Kyo begins to make such a creepy smirking face.

"Kyo .. I ended that a long time ago. I don't need someone like that in my life or his just going to get hurt .." I begin to place my hand onto my chest.

"Still I think you should have told him that. You did the complete opposite and shut him down with no explanation" he tells me.

I widen my eyes from his response. His right I did do that didn't even told him my reason for doing that . Still I can't be thinking about love I still one goal and that's to finish Achnologia off for good .

"I'm tired Amu I think I'm hitting the sack" Kyo begins to rub his eyes . We've been traveling so much I feel we haven't had a  decent nap since most of the time me and Natsu we're sleeping outside.

I begin to go over to my drawer with all my old stuff still here. I begin to pick up an old brush and I begin to stare at myself at the mirror.

As I brush mt hair thoroughly I realize my hair grew a couple inches. Didn't know it finally hit around the bottom of my chest.

As I look back Kyo is already drooling while sleeping. Damn I should be sleeping too my head is filled with many thoughts.

I begin to stare at Kyo "I have such a weird feeling something will happen tommorow. And it isn't a good feeling..

"Natsu don't do anything stupid" I begin to slowly close my eyes drifting away to sleep.

As the next morning comes I begin to get ready along with Kyo ready to head outside.

"What's the plan for today?" he tells me.

"Well for starters talk to Lucy more about a year ago second-" as I begin to exit my apartment build I begin to feel the floor rumbling.

I look to the left , and I begin to see some pretty angry guards chasing-

"Run Amu!" Natsu screaming at me.

"You idiot!" I yell at him . WHAT did he do I'm going to kill him.

As Natsu gets closer towards me he yanks my arm towards him.

"Let's go!" he begins to laugh.

I look to Lucy who's shocked as me.

"To where?" I tell him.

"To rebuild Fairy Tail duh" as I begin to run along Lucy , and Natsu I begin to feel the guards getting slowly closer to us.

"In that case.. Water Wall" I yell creating a giant water wall in front of the guards.

Everyone begins to stare at me , and I begin to turn my back towards them.

"Well then? We can't have any distractions can we? Come on Kyo!"

"Right" he follows behind me. As they begin to follow me I begin to think about the guild.

Can we really manage to get everyone back together. Still if anyone can make it happen it's this two ..

Natsu .. Lucy I believe in you two

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