Infiltration Mission

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Above is a voice actress that I think would be Amu Hoshimi voice. It shows how she would talk happy , and her more serious side. Hope you enjoy and for an english dubbers I can add an english voice actor. In case someone wants one.

Amu Pov

As we begin to ride out to the town of Malba to rescue the town before Avatar gets there we found quite a lot. Like the fact Erza and Gray have been under a infiltration mission.

Of course all of Erza's plan. Still doesn't mean it was stupid. Her and Gray have been in on it for about half a year. Maybe that's the reason he left Juvia so she wouldn't get involve.. smart.

"That's a lacrima device right? Such a cool item. Is this a new technology people have made in the past year?" Natsu says telling Gray.

"Yeah me and Erza have been using them to communicate back and fort. We didn't expect the mission to go on this far. Guess the cat is out the bag. We think Avatar will attack sooner or later. We didn't know when the day you would have returned so we didn't tell no one."

"Not even Juvia.." says Happy.

"That was a jerk move you know." Lucy says.

"I know and I'm sorry. Not for that only for the fact I said those things back there." Gray says.

"You should! You almost had her killed!" I angrily state.

He chuckles as well as Lucy "it's fine , I'm sorry for slapping you. Amu I'm sorry too.."

"Whatever. I'm glad that I don't have to kick your ass."

"I think that's a compliment from her. By the way back there Amu y-you tried to save me by getting that guy to attack you instead-"

"Guess you could say that was my apology for early today." I respond.

"Earlier?" Gray says.

"You aren't the only person who got slapped by miss Heartfilia today." I tell Gray who is surprised.

"Still getting hit by a pretty girl in a maid outfit wasn't so bad."

A/n literally. Gray actual says that in the manga pretty fun actual lol.

"Hey!" Lucy says.

I sigh.

"Hey now that we have put all that behind us. How about we mess up a ritual coming soon." I raise an eyebrow glancing back and fort to everyone.

"It's been a while since we've have fought together. Let's see how much Scarlet has improved?" I say.

"I agree let's do are best!" Lucy yells.

"You aren't the only one who got better Amu. Don't think my new power is something to joke about." Gray says.

I slightly smile "well I guess-

"I'M ALL FIRED UP!" we all say in unison.

3rd pov

In the town of Malba Avatar as well as 30,000 soldiers stand ready to be sacrificed to Lord Zeref.

The leader of Avatar raises his sword "LORD ZEREF THE BLACK WIZARD. PLEASE ACCEPT ARE 30,000 SOULS TO YOU! And purify this town.

Soon all the guards head for the town ready to destroy everything and everyone in the town..

"Charge!" the guards yell heading to the town of Malba. As they are about to enter the gates a giant flames emerge from the ground.

"What the-"

"30,000 guards..? Sounds like a warm up?" someone says with such a cheeky laugh.

As the flames go away Natsu , Happy Lucy, Gray , Kyo and Amu stand tall crossing their arms.

"Has everyone's training paid off?" Gray bumps his fist together.

"I'll fight with y'all!" Lucy's outfit changes into a cow's print. Along with her celestial spirit Taurus.

Amu stretches her arms , and begins to crack her fingers one by one "this shall be fun. I feel kinda excited." Amu licks her lips.

"Get them! There's only like 4 of them!" says one of the Avatar members.

"Sir someone is attacking in the walls behind." guards yell.

"Someone?" soon the ground begins to rumble like crazy.

"Guess she arrived early shall we.. begin?"Amu says.

"I'll assist" Kyo grips onto her shirt.

"I've missed this feeling" Lucy balls her hand into her fist.


A/n honestly who wants to read a  shitty fight scene.. no one obvious. So going to skip. Trust me its for the best!

As the fight between Fairy Tail , and Avatar came to an end a new group to the council came to play.

"Your in the council what!? I heard it was a rumor but Levi that's awesome." Lucy says along the side of Levi.

"Yeah me and Gajeel have stop many dark guilds that's why you don't see many of them still hanging around Lucy."

Amu and Erza being to squint at Gajeel and say "I see an imposter."

"What!" Gajeel yells.

"Yeah , where's the other bad mouth Gajeel." Natsu says sniffing him .

"I am him! Who else you are all delusional." he says in anger.

Amu gets closer to him sniffing him "guess you do smell like him."

Soon Erza pats Amu on her back "it's great you still have a little humor left in you. As well you've gotten strong saw the way you took out their men."

She sighs and says "same goes for you making Gray go to such risky lengths for the mission. Still we managed to stop them which is good. Though we aren't done yet. We have people to look for as well as people.. to take down-"

"Come on Amu! Let's go home and celebrate." Kyo flies on top of her head.

"Yeah you need to loosen up just a bit Amu." Juvia places her hand on her shoulder.

"Juvia you look healthy but-" she widens her eyes.

"Im glad your alright!" she wraps herself around her hugging her. Amu looks at her in shock with everyone smiling around her soon coming at them hugging them.

"H-hey get off of me!" her face sparks up in embarrassment.

Everyone soon begins to laugh. Amu smiles gently and and soon she begins to sniff around getting a tingle onto her nose. She begins to look every where and begins to run away.

"Amu!?" Kyo says as he follows her.

"Hey-" says Natsu but soon he begins to sniff around and turns around immediately "Rogue?"

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