Shi Fu?

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Amu Pov

"Get away from them" soon a yellow lighting strikes down to the demon.

As I open my eyes I see a standing Laxus in front of us.

"Laxus" we all gasp in relief.

"Amu you've done enough for us today. Im grateful for what you did for me still I still haven't finished what we started with this punk" he says.

I nod to him "thank you".

"She didn't do everyyyything-" Natsu begins to complain and I smack his back.

"Shut up!"

"Hey you two stop fighting and help him" Gajeel says getting up along with Levi.

"No I want to protect you all just as you protected me. Please get out of here I can do this" Laxus angrily tells us.

"Just come on Amu!" Gajeel yells at me.

"Fine , come on Natsu your okay?" soon Natsu wouldn't move an inch.

"Don't tell Salamander is upset Laxus has to finish the job he couldn't" Gajeel making a snarky comment.

"Be quite .. come on Natsu let's go we don't have all day you know. Lucy kiss him to wake him up" I push her towards him.

Soon her faces begins to turn bright red and soon she begins to cup her hands.

"You hear that don't you Amu .. Gajeel" he finally speaks up , still I have no idea what his talking about.

"what are you talking about?" I tell him.

"That roar you hear it don't you" I begin to look up and soon my heart began to beat really fast.

Soon a loud roar echos out to us. I begin to look feel my hand beginning to shake .

"Dragon the only dragon I know still living is-"

"Natsu , Amu , Gajeel" I can hear Lucy but my mind is only thinking of that roar.

"Achnologia" lucy says and I begin to look down at Gajeel who's shaking more then me.

"Look" Levi says pointing up and as we look up we see the dragon that almost whipped us out seven years ago.

"Amu it's been a while hasn't it my daugther" I widen my eyes looking every where. There's only one voice that sounds like that.

"Amu you , and Natsu have to beat E.N.D".

I begin to place my hand to my mouth "Shi Fu is that you?".

"Amu what are you talking about who's Shi Fu?" says Lucy.

"I'll love to catch up with you , but me and my old friend have to finish Achnologia" I widen my eyes and I begin feel my heart beat faster then before.

"AHH!" soon I see a bright blue light come out from my stomach.

I look over to Natsu who has a bright red light coming out of him as well.

"Amu ... N-Nastu who is that?" we both turn and we see-

"Igneel" Natsu mumbles who has such a shocked expression.

"Come on old friend let's do this" next to him is Shi Fu alive and well.

"Shi F-Fu your back" I tremble my words and soon i felt hot tears fill my eyes , with my throat beginning to twist trying to speak but my tears begin to spill over my face.

Year X776
3rd Pov

"Will I ever be the greatest water dragon slayer?" Amu smiles up to Shi Fu who's curled up in ball.

"Amu it will take quite a long time for that to ever happen".

"B-but" he eyes begin to fill with tears.

"Still it's possible child , I'll make you the best water dragon slayer in the world" her eyes light up and she soon begins to crawl over him smiling.

"thanks dad" she giggles.

Year X777

"Shi Fu?" Amu looks all around her area but he is no where to be found.

After hours of looking him Amu falls to her knees filled with tears.

"Shi F-Fu where are you?" she curls her self up.

"Shi F-Fu where are you?" she curls her self up

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End of Flashback

3rd Pov

As Amu stares up to both Shi Fu her dragon and Natsu's dragon Igneel she begins to burst into tears.

Kyo soon goes up Amu "Amu?"

As Lucy looks over to Natsu his in the same position as he stares at his own father.

"Igneel your finally back ... finally" he says as he begins to stand up.

"E-Everyone meet my father Shi Fu" Amu says standing up smiling whipping away her tears.

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