Alone with Rogue

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3rd pov

"A job? With Rogue" Amu says placing her hand on her waist in front of master.

"Yes there new master Sting wanted you specifically for this job" Amu stares at the paper and nods.

"I guess I'll be heading out then " she turns around and waves good bye.

Soon Gray passes by Amu and grabs her arm.

"Where you going on a job? Let's go together?" but she shakes her head .

"Sorry but it was requested from another guild . I-I got to go , hey maybe next time" she snaps her fingers and waves bye.

Amu Pov

As I head on over to the Sabertooth guild hall I didn't realize how close it was. At least I didn't have to take a cart here or I would have been a mess.

As I head on in the guild hall I walk in to a bunch of rowdy people drinking, fighting , and enjoying themselves.

As the turn towards my direction they begin to whisper around. Great I look like a person ready to start something .

"Amu ! I'm glad your here don't worry guys she's cool" I see from a far Sting sitting on what I presume is his little throne.

I wave to him " hey well I'm happy to help on this mission, but did it really have to be me?" I question him.

He shakes his head and begins to nervously look around "y-you got it wrong it just I know your strong .. his strong it can be a great duo since I can't really go out any more since the whole master thing". He sounds very guilty as if his hiding something.

"I guess I'll take your word for it , well where is he then the earlier to start this the better you know" I begin to glance around the hall.

"Amu! What are you doing here?" I begin to hear Rogue who's entering the guild hall.

I glance back to Sting who's smiling nervously "dude stop acting stupid you know why . Your job remember with her that I told you about" he runs over to him and wraps his arm around him nudging him.

"Uh yeah I guess well where the job-" sting takes out the job and hands it to him.

"This one remember well go on now you two" he begins to push us out the hall.

"Hey hold on Sting did Rogue know about it or-?"he slams the door and it's just me and Rogue standing outside together.

"Um did you really know about this job?" I take the job out of his hands.

"Not really I have no idea what he is trying to do" he says honestly.

I smile to him " well at least your honest, well I guess there is no turning back shall we go?"

"Yeah but first I need to get ready I didn't even know about it in the first place" I nod.

"Fine, let's go then".

Rogue Pov

Damn Sting he probably tried to set us up for a night together. I told him I didn't want to pressure Amu into doing anything she doesn't want to do.

Still it's nice to see her beautiful face smiling as always. Doing a job with her should be interesting.

Amu Pov

As he stops we stop in front of a small building. I point up "is that your home"?

"Yes shall we go in" I nod. Well I guess I'll be seeing what's inside Rogue's home.

As he opens the door the first thing I see is a small bed. I look around and I don't see Frosch.

"Um Frosch is he here?" he soon goes to another small room towards the right.

"Yes I left him at Sting's place where he is with Lector safe" I nod and soon I see a small desk at the corner.

I glance back were Rogue is and I head over to it. Curse you for being noisy Amu. As I look around I begin to hear his foot steps coming this way.

I turn around with my hands clasps behind me. "What are you doing?" I shake my head.

"Nothing!" he sighs and smiles.

"Can you grab some bandages in that drawer" he points at one of the drawers and leaves again.

I look back and I see six drawers . He didn't really tell me which one hopefully I don't see something I don't want to see . I open the first one on the top left I see a bunch of papers.

"Wrong one" I mutter under my breath and I go with the one under it and I see an old sorcerer weakly magazine.

I take it out and as I turn it over I see myself on the cover. I widen my eyes "what the f-"

Soon I see the magazine being snatched from my hands. I turn back to Rogue who's hiding the magazine behind him.

"Why was I on that magazine one that came out over 7 years ago?" I angrily demand him as I grab his arm.

I watch as he begins to blush slightly and backs away. I smile to him and I grab his other hand the one with the magazine.

"Please" I lock eyes with him and he takes a deep breath and hands it over to me.

I look down at the magazine and I see myself with my longer brown hair. When did they take this man they sure did get my bad side. As I look down to the bottom right corner I see my signature.

I look up to him but he looks down not daring to look at me. "Did I sign this seven years ago?" I ask him.

"Yes , it was the time when you and Erza Scarlet had one of your last annual fights" he says softly.

"My last fight the one were I beat her didn't I.."

soon I begin to feel a tug on her leg from a hooded little boy holding a weekly sorcerer magazine .

"Um you want me to sign it?" I tells him confused not knowing what to do.

He nods and I take the magazine and I begin to writes my signature. As I hand it back to him and smile "Im glad there are people like you out in this world".

I widen my eyes "that little hooded boy was you! I remember I never saw your face but this shows proof it's you" he snatches the magazine.

"Your done?" he says sounding embarrassed as he turns his back towards me.

I let out a giggle and I hug him from behind " I'm glad there are people like you in the world".

He turns back to me and I soon close my eyes and lean in for a kiss. As I place a kiss on his soft lips he releases he cups his hands onto mine.

"How did I end up with such a beautiful water dragon slayer like you"?

I lift my shoulders "I guess you got lucky didn't you" soon we share another slow passionate kiss. Rogue.. I'm glad I got to share this new side with you. I love you Rogue..


The answer is revealed finally , but most of you knew that well . Next chapter is a basic filler then more then Tataros where I'm going to end the series . Honestly I'm not in love with this arc but it was crazy and needed it.

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