Old Memories Part 2

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Year X784

3rd POV

Amu slowly drinks her beer along with Cana accompanying her.

"Cana h-how about we t-toast f-for happiness" Amu raises her glass with Cana clanking her mug.

"You make no sense Amu you know that" both begin to giggle while wrapping her arm around her.

"Amu you know what today is right?" Natsu coming along with Lucy screaming with Amu plugging her ears shaking her head back and forth.

"Your so loud you know that , and to answer your question no" she says.

"It's the annual fight between you and Erza" Amu widens her eyes and spits out her beer.

"Hey that's a waste of beer you know" Cana says.

"I guess it is huh the score is-"

"2-2" Erza interrupting Amu and coming out smirking.

"How about it Amu?" says Gray coming towards them as well.

Amu looking at everyone's face begging for a battle. Amu sighs and takes a big gulp of beer.

"Oh fine at least I'll make the score 2 to 3 and become victorious" she smirks.

"All right then come on Lucy we got a match to watch" Natsu grabbing Lucy's hand.

"Wait Erza and Amu fighting this is going to be a disaster?" Lucy says as she gets dragged by Natsu.

"Amu don't let me down I'm betting on you?" Gray says as he places his hand on her gently.

"Of course not I'll b-b ready to destroy her" she smirks like crazy and lets out a small burp.

"still sober?" Gray says.

"Gray you cheating on me" Juvia begins to sob with Gajeel on her side.

"Did I hear a fight why are people crowded outside?" Gajeel comments.

"Just an old friendly match between rivals" she winks .

As everyone stands outside the guild Amu becoming one of the last people to come out everyone watches closely as two of the strongest wizards go head to head.

"You have got be be kidding me Amu , and Erza ? Natsu who do you think will win?"she gives quick glances to Natsu who is crossing his arms.

"You kidding the best part is seeing them both kick each other's ass... Still my money is on Erza"

"You kidding Natsu Amu is going to kick Erza's ass" he smirks staring at Amu intensely.

"Amu is my rival , Amu is my rival , she's my r-RIVAL!" Juvia says behind all of them.

"Calm down please" Gajeel says and soon Kyo plops onto his shoulder.

"Amu you got this!" he cheers her on.

"Thanks well .. Lets begin Erza" Amu says as she begins to stand up straight.

"Go Erza!" some people of the crowd yell.

"Come on Amu don't let her win!" someone else says in the crowd

"Let's begin" Mira in the middle says as she lowers her hand down.

Erza immediately transforms into a green like sea creature armor along with a giant trident .

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