Night 2

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As everyone is out drinking on night 2 , Amu sits besides a small water fountain . Amu places her hand through the water causing her to merge with the water. She smiles down and sighs.

"You were you in the games" she hears a familiar voice behind her. As she turns she see Rogue who looks serious as ever.

"Hello Rogue it seems you didn't go today either . When are you planning to go" she looks up to him.

"Whenever I feel like it. It's really none of your concern" she smiles to him.

"Same jerk as always still I want to thank you again for the other night. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have made it to the second day of the games" she laughs.

"Probably since you are an irresponsible drunk" Amu soon has an anime fall .

"Yeah talking about drunk, that bastard owes me a whole feast of beer" she pouts.

"The one who lost right?" I nod.

"Maybe we should make a deal I bet if I win I make you my lapdog" she laughs and he sighs.

"No thank you not interested"

"Your no fun as always. Still Rogue I wish you luck on the games because your going to need it. Fairy Tail won't lose not to anyone" he stares at her in shock.

"Why are you always so determine , that's so like you" Amu thinks about it and shrugs.

"I guess I was born that way! Just like how I will look for my father and meet him once again-"

"Your dragon? What was he like?" Amu looks at him in shocked.

"Well he was quite a serious , funny, intelligent Dragon . I mean there is so much to say I don't know where to begin-" she laughs.

"Amu please Amu" the cries of Kyo screaming at Amu.

"Natsu his doing something berserk please come , and y-you the sabertooth guy what are y'all doing together"?

"Just talking forget about that please show me would y'all?" Amu looks back to Rogue .

"I'm sorry we can't talk more than we already can but I need to go sorr-"

"Wait I forgot to tell you his going to attack sabertooth" Rogue widens his eyes.

"Shit his already attacked the place , damn Natsu" Amu runs inside before Rogue.

As she steps inside she spots Natsu fighting the Sabertooth guild master she grunts her teeth and pulls Natsu back.

"What the hell do you think your doing?" as she looks around her she's surrounded by most of the sabertooth members.

"Let go of me they can't just get away with it" as he tries to push her back he accidentally slaps her across the face causing her to fall to the ground.

She places her hand on her face from where Natsu slapped her. He realizes what he done and looks down at his hands.

Soon someone begins to come out with a long blue dress "please everyone calm down would you . And you two I think it's time for you to leave are territory you wouldn't want this two to get hurt would y'all" she soon appears with both Happy , and Kyo in a small bubble.

Amu stands up as quickly as she can "p-please don't hurt them" she begins to make a serious worried face.

The woman laughs and releases them both Amu , and Natsu reach their hands out and hugs each of their exceeds.

"Let's go Amu" she nods in agreement. Amu looks over to Rogue who looks a bit surprised . As both lock eyes with each other she mouths to him "sorry".

As they both stand in front of their hotel Amu stares at Natsu and slaps him across the face.

"H-hey t-"
She embraces Natsu and she stays still "I'm happy your okay please stop doing ridiculous things like that".

Happy and Kyo look up at them happy she didn't do anything to bad to him.

She pulls away from the hug "well I'm the one not going hard on you . Just wait until Erza finds out" she laughs playing with his hair while sticking her tongue out.

"Please don't" he whines but shakes her head back and forth.

"Amu"! She turns around and sees Rogue.

"Oh shit" she looks to Natsu who doesn't look to happy.

"What are you doing here sabertooth scum , shouldn't you be off with your guild" he balls hid hand into a fist but Amu grabs his hand.

"Natsu go on inside I'll be there please don't tell anyone" she begins to beg him and he sighs.

"Fine I don't want him near this hotel again" he slams the door.

As both Amu and Rogue stand in front of each other in silence.

"I'm sorry my guild member made a foolish mistake . His always reckless but not this dumb" she sighs and he leans against the wall.

"Did you get hurt" he tells her but confused as she is she widens her eyes and touches her face but smiles.

"Oh this it's okay just a small scratch from Natsu. Don't worry I'll get him back in one of are friendly fights" she gives him a thumbs up.

"That doesn't look li-"
"I thought you hated me so why do you want to know how I'm doing now? From where things are looking are teams aren't allies. Just what do you want?" she angrily says going up to his face.

"A fight with you before the games end . I plan to redeem myself from before the games" Amu sighs in relief and laughs.

"For a second there I thought pfft" she places her hands on each of his shoulder.

"I'll take you on that offer any day any time .. Just when I'm not drinking or sleeping".

"Then till next time when we meet" he gives a quick smile and heads back to his guild again.

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