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Amu Pov

"Please tell me there is anything you can do about it!" Makarov yells at Porlyusica who's tending the wounds of Laxus.

"They consumed lots of vain particles I'm surprised this one is alive . Still with more treatment they should be fine I just need to extract the poison which will be a hard antidote to make" she says and I widen my eyes.

"I know a technique" I step up to Laxus who's on the bed groaning in pain.

I begin to form a small water bubble and soon I place it on Laxus stomach. I soon begin to close my eyes trying to suck the poison into the bubble.

Soon my bubble soon fills with poison that he had consumed. As I try to hold on to the bubble I look back to every one "someone give me a bowl now!"

"Right" I hear Porlyusica giving me one and I drop the poison disposal into the bowl.

"How did you learn that?" Makarov says.

"Can you help each one of them" Lucy says and I nod.

"I learned to remove poison a while back , and yes it's possible but will take a long time so please I'll tend them master" he nods.

"I thank you Amu for such an amazing ability now everyone else please meet me in the commons.

As everyone heads out to the commons Erza , and Gray stay behind.

"Amu please take care of them we're counting on you" I nod to Erza.

I begin to get up and I slam my fist to the wall "just who the hell is Tartaros and why did he attack us?" I slam my fist at the wall as I stare down at Laxus and the thunder legion down from fighting members of a dark guild called Tartaros.

"I don't know yet , but we will tell you everything we know once we find out the information from master" Gray says placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Well enough you both should go stop Natsu , knowing his dumbass he will go after them as soon as master is done with his speech. I've got work" they nod and begin to exit the room.

Soon I begin to hear Porlyusica coming in with a bucket. "It's best to start now we have lots of poison to extract. While you do that I'll begin to make a healing potion.

I begin to tie my hair back and I nod to her "right".

~time pass

I begin to get a bit light headed every time I consume the poison onto the bubble. I don't know how many of this I've made on Laxus.

As I begin to make another bubble my hand begins to tremble but I place my other hand on it.

"Don't push yourself child take a quick break" I shake my head.

"I'm fine I can still go on we haven't even started we have 4 more to go" I try to calm my hand down. Soon Porlyusica places her hand on mine.

"That's enough" as I try to look up to her I fall on top of Laxus.

"Amu!" the last words I hear before it went pitch dark in my vision.


"Amu!" I begin to groan from the sound of my name.

"Amu get up now!"
"Amu get up!" I hear both Kyo's and Cana's voice screaming.

"Huh" I get up as fast as I can.

"Get up and get out of here , take this and leave her now Happy will explain everything" soon she takes out some cards and Laxus along with the thunder legion are gone.

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