1 year later~

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Amu Pov

"So we're going back?" I tilt my head to the side looking at Natsu.

"I think we had are fun , and training it's time to head home" he tells me and I soon begin to scratch on the back of my head. Maybe it is time to head out me , and Natsu been gone for over month. Still there's still people I don't want to face yet..

"You'll get to see him again." He tells me smiling.

I give him a sigh and I begin to walk away from him " Natsu shut the hell up and get your stuff ready then . I'll call both Kyo , and Happy" I begin to walk away from him.

Ever since that day one year ago I haven't smiled one single time. It feels as my emotions had left me that day. Still it's rather better this way .. emotions just equal distractions in my book .

As we arrive in Fiore I look over to Natsu who doesn't look sick. Over the past year I've tried to perfect the ultimate moving sickness. Guess it's finally complete I no longer have to feel that awful feeling in my stomach.

"Wow my motion sickness doesn't seem to be showing thanks Amu" he smiles to me.

"Yeah we no longer have to see you two throwing up!" Happy says laughing.

"Right!" Kyo says laughing along with Happy.

I glare at both who become frighten at the sight of my face.

"I guess we're home.." I sigh heavily.

"Don't worry we'll see everyone again" he pats my back hardly.

"That's the thing I'm worried about the most , and.." I cut off thinking of Rogue. I never actual sent him the letter from that day. Do I still regret not sending him that..

"Hurry let's go!" Natsu takes my hand and storms out into the city. As I look up to the sky I begin to see many balloons floating in the air ready to set off.

"Look" Natsu looks up and gives me a cheeky smile.

"It's the Grand Magic Games!" I widen my eyes.

His right they we're around this year last time . Fairy Tail must be there we should check it out.

"Let's crash the party" he winks at me and immediately let's of my hand.

"Come happy!" he screams jumping into the air with Happy swooping him off his feet heading to the arena.


"Idiots!" they begins to laugh together.

"Kyo follow them!" He grabs onto  my shirt and lifts me off the ground.

"R-right!" he says and I begin to crack my knuckles.

"When I see him I'm going to crush him" Kyo begins to shriek behind me.

Soon as we begin to close in onto the arena and I begin to see a massive fire throughout the arena.

As I jump in the arena I see Natsu going in for the competition. As I see them on the floor with Natsu coming in beating more. This had to stop I had to step in.

"Natsu stop it! Water Suffocation" I begin to make a bubble of water surrounding Natsu in it.

"Hey Amu-u" he begins to struggle to breathe. As I look around more of the guilds participants begin to run over.

"Your his teammate you shouldn't have messed with us"! They all began to run with me ready to strike.

"Don't know why weak people like you are picking a fight with me.. Water Submerge" I begin to lay my hand onto the floor releasing a large amount of water throughout the arena.

As I look over to Natsu who's about to pass out any second with the snap of my fingers I release the bubble.

He looks over to me and I mouth to him "done yet?" I sigh over to him. He begins to smile over to me and runs over to me.

"Guess not.. Water-" before I could finish he comes above me ready to hit me with his fire dragon fist. I immediately bend my whole back all the way back to dodge his attack.

Still as I look to Natsu's face he wasn't trying to hit me . He protected me from the person behind me.

"Got you didn't I" he smiles to me laughing.

"You show him Natsu!" Happy cheers him on.

"Whatever" I say and soon many guards from the palace begin to come towards us.

"You idiot don't hurt them or think of doing anything ridiculous .. Natsu" I look back to him who's staring up to the arena.

As I look towards his direction I see him staring at someone. It was "lucy" he smiles up to her.

He really does like her doesn't he-

"You two are under arrest" I begin to hear the guards telling us.

"Amu what are we going to do" says Kyo shocked as me.

"We'll figure it out ..." still as I look up to Lucy she hasn't changed besides the longer hair , and half naked.. again .

As I look around I don't see a single guild from last year not even Fairy Tail ..

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