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Amu Pov

It's are first day of training everyone mostly went on their own. Last I saw Lucy was meditating she sure has grown since she has gotten here.

I guess it's time to train still is wearing a bikini the best option I look down and I'm wearing a two piece sailor outfit.

My bottoms are a dark blue mini swim skirt along with a white top. Still..

As I look down It feels as if my chest will pop out soon , not feeling comfortable.

"Hey Amu! Wanna train" I hear Gray screaming from a far. Maybe it's a good chance to catch him off guard. As I feel his footsteps getting closer I immediately go in for a punch to the face. He grabs my hand before it touches his face and I give him a soft smile.

"Nice reflex !" I compliment him.

"Trying to kill me" gray says and I sigh.

"Ah shut up well wanna train , but before that" I look around me and behind him. As I look behind him I see a stalker Juvia staring at Gray behind a tree.

"Gray guess we have another person here" I say and I take off my shoe and throw it too Juvia's head.

"Gray! How can you cheat on me" she says as she sobs and leans against him.

"Juvia if I wanted Gray , he would have been mine a long time ago" I smirk trying to get her fired up.

"My love rival must go down" she says angrily as she begins to have a dark aura around her.

I sigh " I don't want to fight you for that you idiot , Gray find me when your ready to train ALONE" I walk off.

She really pisses me off you know , well forget her I should find Kyo.

As I look around I begin to see all the exceeds getting a tan . As I walk over to them they all looked to relaxed even Kyo.

"Kyo! Wanna train"? He sighs .

"Come on just relax" he says and I look over to Carla. He has told me he has quite a crush on her.

"You know who doesn't like-"
"I'll go" he stands up and I smirk.

"It's settled then".

"How about it we go up in the mountains, I think it will be great to get away from everyone else you know" I say as Kyo nods his head.

"Agree still I thought you would have been with Gray since you two are crazy in love with each other" I begin to gag in disgust.

"His my best friend Kyo and you know that . Plus thinking about guys aren't what's on my mind. I believe that my guild and jobs are first" I say all serious.

"I was joking don't take it serious" he says and I begin to giggle.

I sigh "I hope to get stronger you know after seven years a girl gets very rusty" I say.

As we arrive to an open field I begin to hear a couple footsteps not very far. I begin to sniff using my nose and it smells kinda like Kyo.

"Someone is here" I say and Kyo begins to look around but no one is to be seen.

"Found them" he says and I begin to look everywhere but no sign everywhere.

"Where" Kyo then pinches my ankle.

"Ouch" I say and immediately as I look down I see another exceed besides Kyo.

I look down and I see "a frog in a pink costume"? Says Kyo taking the words right out my mouth.

The frog looks up to me kinda scared "your not Rogue"? He tells me .

"Im certainly not this Rogue but you look lost where is your friend?" I tell him.

"I don't know I got lost" he begins to dread water from his eyes.

"Crap" I say and I bend down to pat on his head.

"It's alright your okay she's cool" says Kyo and I nod.

"So what's your name buddy?" Kyo tells him.

"FROSH!" I hear from a distance and I begin to get up.l
"Rogue!" says who the guy im pretty sure looking for frosh.

Finally soon a guy pops out from behind a big tree and once he spots his exceed his face becomes a face of relief. His a tall slim guy with dark black hair . Looks very emo to me as .

He runs over and as he spots me he begins to look a little pale.

"Amu?" he knows my name , just who is he.

"Yes do I know you?" I tell him , not sure who he is.

"Rogue" says Frosch going to the guys shoulder and I smile in relief.

"It doesn't matter , I'm glad your exceed is back with you . I'll be off then" I walk past by him but before I can make it even a couple more feet from him he grabs my hand.

"Amu!" he screams at me while grasping a hold on my wrist.

"Let go of my hand if you don't want to die" I glare at him in anger , this bastard. As I look down to his arm I see a guild symbol as I look closer to it it's none other then are rival ..

"Sabertooth huh?" I say and he begins to let go of me .

"So you've heard of us?" he says and I cross my hands.

"Of course the number one guild in Fiore right now who hasn't? Anyways not for long in 3 months will take you down" I turn around and I point at my guild mark on my shoulder.

"I know who you are ... Fairies .. Fight me" he tells me.

"Wanna pick a fight with me ? First you grab me with force and threaten me " I sigh and look down to Kyo.

"Let's go Kyo we have training to finish" as we walk off I'm surprised he hasn't bothered me yet.

"Fairy Tail will lose this year like always. Your stupid guild members never had a chance" I look back at him and glare at him.

"Hey don't talk about-" I interrupt Kyo and I begin to laugh historically.

"Look kid you can say whatever about me because I couldn't care less but diss my guild and I'll kill you" I run to him.

As I run to him I begin to hear both are exceeds screaming "no" for us not to fight.

As I get close to him I begin to see him turning into a black shadow and disappearing. As I try to look for him I close my eyes and try to sense him.

"There" I say and I feel his shadow at the tip of my shoulder and I immediately grab him from his neck and I chock slam him to the ground.

As I go on top of him I giggle a little bit "is this a power of a sabertooth it's pretty pathetic Rogue" he begins to growl at me and begins to groan.

"Wait" he says but I wave my hand to him "Kyo time to go somewhere else follow me and your dead" I wink to him.

I felt his presence beginning to fade away until it was no longer there.

"He sure was determine" Kyo says out of the blue. I begin to look down to my hand the one I choked slammed him with.

"He sure was"

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