New Journey

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Okay before the chapter begins I'm doing something many of you won't like ..  I'm going to rush this . If you haven't read the manga basically they round up everyone first wendy , then juvia , and so on . So i'ma start around the time they pick up juvia okay ..

Amu Pov

"So Juvia , and Gray are here?" I begin to look around but nothing but heavy rain is pouring on us.

I could try to sniff them out I begin to use my nose to find them. I begin to smell a familiar scent towards..

"Here" I say as I turn my head straight ahead is Juvia in the rain.

"Found here" I tell everyone who's head turn my way. As I walk towards Juvia her reaction seems emotionless.

"I don't smell that bastard Gray" Natsu says.

"It's true he doesn't seem to be close here" Wendy adds on.

As I stare at Juvia still no movement from her.

"Juvia" I begin to tap my hand on her face. As I felt her face it felt so hot. She soon I begin to watch as she falls upon me.

"Hey!" I yell to her with everyone gasping in shock.

As we placed her inside from what I presume is her house , Lucy began to aid her.

"He left.." she began to cover herself under the blanket. Gray where did that bastard go?

"That bastard how long has he been gone!" Natsu demands.

"Half a year" she mutters enough for us to hear. And she waited this long for him to return.. idiot.

"You of course waited for him to come back like a dumbass huh?" I begin to cross my arms.

"Amu!" Lucy says.

"Please Amu-"

"Why are you so stupid Juvia!! Gray isn't returning back here his go-"

Before I knew it the sound of a harsh hand slapped echoes throughout the room.

She slapped me.

"I think that's enough Amu!" Lucy angrily demands.

Everyone begins to stare at us and I began to smirk at her "we all know it's true.. stop denying it" I began to storm out the door.

"Where are you going?" Kyo yells for me.

"Getting fresh air" I slam the door shut.

3rd Pov

As everyone remains in the room Natsu begins to sigh.

"She didn't mean any of that she's going through a rough time.." he tells Juvia.

"Is it true she broke up with Rogue?" she says.

Kyo nods his head "yeah the same day she lost her dad..".

"Her heart it must feel broken without her love ones" Juvia begins to squeeze her blanket.

"She that isn't the way she should have acted towards you!" says Happy.

"Don't worry Juvia A-Amu is just looking out for you. It might not look like it , but she's upset that you ended up like this" Kyo says smiling.

"Really"? Juvia says in a sorrow tone.

"Amu she's changed quite a bit hasn't she" Carla says sighing heavily.

"Lucy are you okay?" Wendy says staring at Lucy who hasn't said a word.

"We're putting this guild back into place. I promise to find Gray , and bring him back to you. Still there is one place that I need to go".

"I need to go to sabertooth.. but-"

Soon the door slams open to a drenched Amu holding wood.

"Amu!" Kyo says.

"Look we need to hurry up and gather everyone up the faster the better. So where are we going?" she begins to throw the wood into the furnace.

"We're heading to sabertooth" Natsu says.

She immediately pauses and begins to start again. "fine still why is there a reason to go?" she says calmly.

Everyone soon begins to look at each other then Natsu speaks up "For information" he says.

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