The End

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Amu pov


Yesterday when we defeated Avatar I sensed he was near. I didn't get to see him , I hated how I left things with him. Lying to him yet again. I kinda avoided everyone yesterday by heading back home couldn't bare to see him or I think if I saw him I would lose myself.

As for the guild right after we defeated Avatar the guild has slowly got back together. The only thing we don't have is an actual guild hall or a master. The day we left it was never rebuild since Fairy Tail disbanded.

Don't blame the old fool all that damn pressure must have gave him a headache of us. As of today Erza has called us all to well help build the place.

As I arrive I see everyone carrying pieces of wood , people working on the guild. I see everyone who was in the guild before Levi , Gajeel, Romeo , and-

"Amu!" a familiar voice wraps their arms around my neck. I can smell the rich , velvety , stenchy of beer next to me.

"Cana.. drinking as ever." as I turn she smiles cheekily at me

I give her frown and I remove her arm "y-ou look different, seem different, act different."

"People change. Unlike others who don't." I glance up and down on her.

"Oh come on!" she drags me to the crowd.

"Amu glad your here my friend. More hands the better" she hands me a hammer.

"Right.." as I turn I see Gray smiling all cheekily.

"Im glad your here to help. Still  yesterday why did you go-"

"Business now shall we?" I shake the hammer.


As time passes we manage to complete.. most of the guild. Expect we technically aren't a guild according to Levy.

"We need permission to bring Fairy Tail back?" I sigh.

"Yes the council must approve of it first. Just because we have people doesn't mean we can automatic become a guild." she says.

"So what do we need?"Natsu says.

"A guild master?" I say soon everyone begins to give glances at each other.

Soon a fight breaks out with Natsu and Elfman. They throw punches still that wasn't enough untill Gray begins to get involved. I stand up "hey if I see someone else fight your all dead!" i point at all three of them.

"Get back to work!" I hear someone behind me.

As I turn I see "Erza."

"I didn't realize this but you two are the powerhouse." Lucy says.

Me and Erza look at each other not exactly knowing what she means.

"She means. You two are the candidates for the seventh guild master spot-

"I don't want to. Congrats Erza your the seventh master." I pat her back and soon everyone crowds around her.

"W-what me, I couldn't possible." she begins to feel embarrassed.

"Of course you can. We know you can all of us know. If I became the master your life's will be hell." I smirk soon everyone begins to back away from me to her.

"So it's settled then. Erza Scarlet are seventh guild master." Levy announces.

I sigh at least that's settled couldn't imagine myself as a guild master. Or I'll probably end up looking like master by the end of the week.

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