Epilogue End

935 15 1

10 years later<>

3rd pov

"It's time I quit Scarlet." Amu sighs heavily drinking a glass of whiskey.

"Oh come on don't tell me your adrenaline is running out at such-

"We are 39 years old with children of are own. They sure take out every thing out of us!" Amu says.

"Come on girl , we still a fight in us." Lucy wraps her arms around Amu.

Amu stands up slamming her hand onto the table"Maybe a mission is what I need? How about it somebody wants-

As she turns everyone looks away not trying to make contact with her "and I'm the lazy one" she mutters under her breath.

"How is your daughter Amu anyway? Last I saw her she was quite strong for someone who is the youngest of the bunch".

She nods "she would have fitted in a lot better if she was in Fairy Tail though" she sips on her whiskey.

"Right she choose her father's path and became a member of the sabertooth guild".

"I was 100% sure she would have picked Fairy Tail , but guess going more on the nebulous side is her motto."

A/N Surprised?

"Nashi is getting quite rebellious too at this age. She's more like-

"Hey everyone!" Natsu wraps his arm around Lucy.

"Knock it off!" she elbows his stomach causing him to be pushed back.

Everyone laughs "well time to head home the two devils must be home. Bye." Amu gets up waving her hand.

Amu Pov

As I leave the guild I become greeted by non other than "Darcy? Rogue back already quicker than I imagined. How was it?" placing my hand onto my waist.

"Well?" they both say in unison giving glances to each other then burst out laughing hugging me.


"I perfected Shadow Slash! Look." she raises her hand showing shadows wrapped around her.

"Congratulations" I embrace her and I look over Rogue.

"Someone provoked her causing her to finally unleash more of the shadow then before" Rogue says.

"Right I remember she couldn't even wrap the shadow fully around her arm. Guess her teacher isn't totally terrible" I give Rogue a smug look.

"Your just jealous she inherited one thing from me." he wraps his arm around me , then kisses my cheek.

I roll my eyes "hey don't want to see that guys. Don't ruin the special moment by doing that" she sighs looking down.

I laugh along with Rogue and I wrap my arm around her neck.

"How about a spar match with your mom? I'll promise to go extra easy on you" I give her a smug look.

"We both know how that will end I'm not an idiot mom." she backs away from me in embarrassment , crossing her arms.

Rogue looks at me and sighs "what!" I mouth to him.

I sigh and I place a hand onto Darcy's shoulder "oh come on I'm kidding. Don't be a downer let's celebrate this. I'll even let you decided on how we celebrate." I glance over to Rogue who looks impressed.

She turns around smiling "well.. I do have one thing that I want to do. Nashi has this mission she can bring another guild member and she said I can go. Come on this will mean a lot to me." she hands me the job paper.

As I go over the paper , I glance over Rogue who nods his head. I sigh heavily and smile up to her  "fine you can go. Guess we will celebrate later then when you come back-"

"Thanks" she hugs us right before she runs to the guild hall.

"Did you know she wanted to do another job after this one?" I ask him.

"No. She can be quite sneaky and mischievous." he says.

I nod "I agree still she'll regret taking jobs in the future because they can be a pain."

"She grew up fast for someone who wanted to already be a mage at the age of four."

"You got that right" as we are about to walk home. He takes my hand.

I look up to him "if she doesn't want to celebrate we can celebrate are on own." he smiles.

I chuckle "two miso soups and a side of onigiri?"

"You bet! With a side of sake" he takes grips my hand and we head to are local restaurant closest to us.


This took me about 5 days to write... Like wtf? Guess thinking way to hard a way to end it...

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